Student Resources

  • Academic Support & Tutoring

    The Academic Support & Tutoring (AST) is located within the Learning Commons at the Learning Technology Center (LTC) providing students with numerous services and resources, including essay support and tutoring in all core subjects. Whether working on a paper or recording a presentation for class, students can find help for all their academic needs at AST.

    All MCC, University Center students, and Adult Education students can get free help with classes through a variety of resources, including: access to computers, study rooms, recording space, professional staff and tutors. Students may visit as individuals or in groups, in-person or online.

    AST offers:

    • Individualized tutoring and one-on-one support
    • Writing support for essays, research papers, presentations, and most forms of academic writing
    • Help with all core and many degree specific courses
    • Workshops on specific topics
    • Assistance with Brightspace, email, MyMathLab, Connect, MyMCC and more
    • Assistance with technology: using MS Word, MS PowerPoint, and other common computer applications
    • Online Synchronous support during business hours

    The Learning Commons provides students with a single location to learn about College's services and resources and find assistance for most academic needs.

    For more information, visit the Academic Support & Tutoring or call 254-299-8500. For technical difficulties with technology, please contact the Technology Help Desk at 254-299-8077.

  • Advising

    Academic advisors are available to assist students in making responsible decisions that lead toward completion of their academic and career goals. Academic advising conversations include how to understand a degree plan, choose a major, and avoid unnecessary courses, how to transfer, how to schedule and register for classes, career preparation, how to plan for graduation, and how to balance the challenges of life, work, and college. Academic advising, mandatory for all students every semester, is a shared responsibility between the student and advisor. It's important for students to make time each and every semester to build upon this critical relationship.

    For more information, call Advising & Career Services at 299-8614 or email

  • Bookstore

    The McLennan Bookstore is located on the first floor of the Dennis F. Michaelis Academic Center (MAC) and is open Monday through Thursday 7:45 a.m.-6 p.m., and Friday 7:45 a.m.-2 p.m. Hours are extended during back-to-school weeks. Summer hours may vary. Call 254-299-8685 for more information. Textbooks can also be purchased or prepaid online.

    Selected textbooks are available for rent. For more information on textbook rentals, visit Textbooks that meet the buyback policy requirements may be sold back to the bookstore. Books are bought back every day, and a student ID is required.

    The average cost for books for a full-time student is approximately $602 per semester. College T-shirts, hats, and other clothing items are available at the bookstore, along with school supplies, greeting cards, soft drinks, candy, and various other convenience items.

  • Campus Maps

    Campus maps are available on the Campus and Contact Us Web pages.

  • Campus Resources Education Web (CREW)

    CREW is located on the second floor of Student Services in Success Coaching, Room 249. This resource provides assistance outside of the academic setting for students who find themselves in need of food, transportation, housing, and/or medical/mental health needs. CREW can also assist with other supports depending on individual situations.

    For more information, call 254-299-8561 or email

  • Career Services

    Current and former students are welcome to use Career Services at McLennan Community College. The Career Services team offers a variety of workshops and seminars to help students with choosing a major that will prepare them for their career, along with resume writing, interviewing skills, networking, and job searching. In addition, Career Services provides personality and interest assessments to help students develop goals and plans based on their interest, values, education, skills, personality type, and life style preferences. Additional online resources may be found online at Career Services.

    For more information or to schedule an appointment with a Career Advisor, please call 254-299-8614 or email

  • Child Care

    Child care may be possible on a space-available basis at the McLennan Child Development Center, located in the Community Services Center. An application for services is required. The center is generally open Monday through Friday from 7:15 a.m.-5:15 p.m. and follows the college's schedule (e.g. holidays, campus closings). For more information, call 254-299-8720.

    There is a cost for this service. Financial assistance for child care or transportation may be available to eligible students through the Support and Empowerment Program. Application for assistance is required. Meeting eligibility requirements does not guarantee funding.

    For more information, call the Support and Empowerment Program at 299-8226.

  • Community Clinic at McLennan

    The Community Clinic at McLennan is a partnership between McLennan Community College and the Family Health Center. Located in McLennan's Community Services Center (4601 N. 19th St.), the facility serves as a primary care clinic for the college's students and employees and the community.

    Services include exams, immunizations, management of acute illnesses and stable chronic illnesses, lab services, x-rays, and minor surgery. The clinic accepts Medicare, Medicaid, most private medical insurance, and the Family Health Center's Good Health Card discount program.

    For more information, visit the Community Clinic website or call 254-313-5800.

  • Computers

    Computers are available to students at a number of campus locations. Each department that oversees a computer lab/facility has the authority to regulate and prioritize the use of its computers and programs, as well as to set time limits regarding Internet and email access and to establish printing policies.

    See the full policy on Responsible Use of College Computing Resources for details on McLennan's Computer Use Policy. Also, visit the Library website.

  • Copy Machines and Scanners

    Copy machines are available for student use in the Library, located on the third floor of the Learning Technology Center. A color printer and three scanners are also available in a self-service area adjacent to the library information desk. Copy and print charges must be paid with the Highlander OneCard.

  • Counseling Services

    McLennan offers mental health counseling for currently enrolled students on campus, including those taking classes from partner schools through the University Center. Through a partnership with Tarleton State University, Counseling Services provides free, confidential counseling for emotional, relationship, family, and academic concerns. The Student Counseling Center office is open Monday-Friday, 8 am-5 pm and is located in the Wellness & Fitness building, Room 225B.

    To schedule an appointment call 254-299-8210, email or come by the counseling Center during office hours. 

  • Disabilities/ADA

    In accordance with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the regulations published by the U.S. Department of Justice 28 C.F.R. 35.107(a), McLennan's designated ADA coordinators — Dr. Stephen Benson, Vice President, Finance and Administration; and Dr. Claudette Jackson, Director, Accommodations & Title IX — shall be responsible for coordinating the College's efforts to comply with and carry out its responsibilities under ADA.

    Students with disabilities requiring physical, classroom or testing accommodations should contact the Accommodations Coordinator, at 254-299-8122 or

  • Email Account

    Student email accounts are automatically set up within 24 hours of their application being processed. Applicants will receive an email notification to their personal email account from The email notification will contain the student's McLennan ID number, username, student email address, and a link to create an initial password.

    Students' usernames will be their first and last initial followed by their seven-digit student ID number, which is located on the front of their student ID card. For example, John Doe (ID number 0211111) would be jd0211111. Students will set up their own passwords.

    All student email addresses end with To access student email accounts, go to the McLennan Website and select STUDENT EMAIL on the shortcut bar. Enter the MCC username and password.

    MCC student email accounts are active up to 24-months after the last MCC class attended. After the 24-month period, the Google account, and all information in the account, will be purged/removed.

  • Gainful Employment

    In order to assist students in making decisions about workforce programs, gainful employment information for each workforce program can be found on the Gainful Employment website. Information is provided that will indicate costs associated with each program, such as tuition and books, types of loans or grants available, how long it should take students to complete the program of study, and availability of employment opportunities.

  • Highlander Central

    Located in the Enrollment Services Center, Highlander Central is students' one stop for all types of information for prospective and current students, including enrollment, financial aid, and registration information.

    Call 254-299-8622 for more information.

  • Highlander Ranch

    The 200-acre Highlander Ranch is located about five miles from campus. McLennan's Veterinary Technology & Veterinary Assistant programs and Agriculture program are located on the Ranch. Additional non-credit programs and services include horseback lessons, equine boarding, and numerous Continuing Education courses. Ranch facilities include a large covered arena, meeting rooms, pastures, and a large tree-covered picnic area that are available for rent.

    For more information, call 254-299-8511.

  • Identification Cards

    The Highlander Student ID is the official identification card for students at McLennan Community College. The Highlander Student ID functions as a photo ID, library card, recreational sports card, athletic events card, and MAC Money card (see below).

    If you open a BankMobile Vibe checking, you may also use your card as a debit card to be used wherever MasterCard is accepted. MAC Money is for on-campus use only; the BankMobile Vibe checking account is for use off-campus. In addition to deposits made by college refunds from loans, grants, tuition, etc.

    Receive and activate your Highlander Student ID

    At least 24 hours after you register for classes, go to the Business Office (ADM building) and have your picture taken. You will also be asked to provide a valid state or federal photo ID for verification to comply with the Patriot Act. Call the Business Office at 254-299-8627 for open hours. Your new card will be mailed to the address you have on file with the college. Be sure to notify the Business Office if your address changes. In order to use your card on and off-campus, you will need to activate it by visiting Activation is required to access all campus services and you must select a refund preference to obtain financial aid or refunds from the college.

    Refund Options

    The Highlander Student ID offers two ways to receive financial aid disbursements and refunds from the college.

    Visit to learn more about these refund options.

    MAC Money

    Cardholders may put MAC (McLennan Access and Cash) Money on their ID cards and use it to pay for printing and copying in the library or for purchasing items from the bookstore, Highlander Café, Tartan Café, and The Thistle Stop. Deposits to this account may be made at the Business Office or MAC Express machine at any time during the semester. The MAC Express machine is located in the library on the second floor of the Learning Technology Center. Account balances may be obtained from the MAC Express machine.

    MAC Money balances will be carried forward to the next semester. Refunds are only issued when an individual officially leaves the college and requests the refund in writing within 60 days. If the balance is less than $5, it will be forfeited and placed in a MAC Money Scholarship Fund.

    Account Access

    The cardholder is the only person authorized to possess the Highlander Student ID and/or make MAC Money transactions. There are no charges for using the MAC Money system. However, there can be usual and customary (ATM) fees associated with the BankMobile Vibe checking. It is the obligation of the cardholder to notify the Business Office at 254.299.8627 or BankMobile Disbursements by visiting if the card has been lost or stolen. The office will notify BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. immediately to deactivate the card. A new card will be mailed to you, and you may obtain a temporary card to use for printing, copying, etc. on campus. McLennan Community College will not be liable for transactions made prior to notification of lost or stolen cards.

    Pharos Money

    Cardholders may open a Pharos account for PRINTING ONLY, by depositing funds to the Pharos kiosk located in the library using their Highlander Student ID.

  • Learning Commons

    The Learning commons is located at the center of the campus in the Learning Technology Center (LTC). The Learning Commons is an interdepartmental collaboration to support students with all of their learning needs. The space combines the Library's physical and digital research resources with Academic Support & Tutoring's friendly course support and the Makerspace's hands-on learning. The LTC has extended hours, study rooms, the Highlander Cafe, Technology help Desk and other amentias, which makes this facility uniquely able to serve students.

  • Library

    Library Services

    MCC Library Services, a part of the Johnette E McKown Learning Commons, is located on the top floor of the Learning Technology Center. The library provides a high quality collection of online articles, ebooks and databases that are available 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Within the library, resources include 70 desktop computer stations, a book scanner, copier/scanners, black and white and color printing, a poster printer, a 3D printer, a green Screen room, 11 study rooms, several quiet study areas, research assistance, a circulating book collection, and a selection of current magazines and newspapers. 

    Library staff members are always available to assist students in using the library's search systems, locating print and online resources, using computer software, printing from the library computers or personal devices, navigating Brightspace, and locating other resources on campus. 

    During the fall and spring semesters, the library is open:

    Monday-Thursday 7:30 a.m.-10 p.m.
    Friday 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m.
    Saturday 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
    Sunday 3-9 p.m.

    Library hours are listed on the MCC Library website and should be checked for holiday and summer hours. For more information, call 254-299-8325.

    Checking Out and Returning Books

    To check out a book, bring the book(s) and provide your ID number to the library information desk. Most books may be checked out for three weeks and may be renewed one time. Students may only have ten books checked out at a time. The circulation period may be shorter at the end of the semester because all books are due back before the semester ends. Additionally, books on reserve have shorter checkout times to provide more time for other students. Books should be returned to the library information desk or the book drop on the wall to the right of the library information desk. Students can renew their books in person, over the phone or online in their library account.

    Library and Library Computer Lab Use Guidelines

    1. Library computer users must not change any computer settings or deliberately download any executable files. This includes downloading to the desktop or desktop folders, changing computer configurations, or operating within the DOS command window, since this may interfere with the operation of other library computer programs or the network. Downloading or installing games, chat utilities, desktop backgrounds, etc. may result in loss of library computer access privileges.
      The Library computers are equipped with specialized software that automatically deletes any changes made by the user when the system is logged off or restarted. All work should be saved to a users cloud-based drive, and external flash drive, or sent to a valid email account.
    2. Current Highlander ID cards are required to borrow library materials. 
    3. Periodicals must be used in the library and cannot be checked out. Copiers are readily available if needed.
    4. Students are expected to respect the rights of others who want a quiet place for studying. Library users should not use cell phones in the computer area, rotunda, or other quiet study areas. Cell phone use should limited to texting and any calls should be made or taken from study rooms or downstairs.
    5. Food and drink in approved containers are permitted in “food-friendly” areas. Please consult library staff members regarding the location of these areas.
    6. Books should be left on the tables for library staff to shelve. (Students should not re-shelve materials.)
    7. Magazines and newspapers should be deposited in the black baskets on the shelves.
    8. Reserve materials are located at the information desk. Checkout periods for reserve materials may vary. Check with a library staff member for information.
    9. A book may be renewed for an additional two-week period as long as there is not a hold or recall placed on the item. If the item is overdue, the fines must be paid before the item can be renewed. Call 254-299-8325 or renew items online through the library website by clicking on "My Library Account".
    10. Fines or replacement costs are charged on overdue items as follows:
      1. Damage to library materials — Repair or replacement costs
      2. Lost/unreturned materials — Replacement cost of item
    11. Transcript holds: A transcript hold is placed on a student's record when fines or other charges are unresolved. Transcript holds are also placed for overdue books, unpaid library fines, and replacement charges.
    12. A maximum of three reminder emails will be sent to the student's MCC email account about overdue books before the book is considered long overdue.
    13. Students who remove library materials without checking them out may be subject to disciplinary action under provisions of the McLennan General Conduct Policy.
    14. Smoking, vaping, and tobacco chewing are prohibited in the library.
  • Lost and Found

    Lost and Found is located at Campus Police on the first floor of  Student Services and in the Continuing Education office in the Community Services Center. If an article is found, it should be sent to Campus Police or Continuing Education office. Articles turned in to Lost and Found will be kept until claimed or disposed of after one semester.

  • Makerspace

    The Makerspace is an open workshop designed to bring experiential learning to our students and courses. MCC students and employees can experiment with equipment ranging from art supplies, hand tools, and a sewing machine to 3D printers, an embroidery machine, and a laser engraver. The Makerspace is part of the Learning Commons and is located in room 228 of the LTC. 

  • Student Services

    The Student Services building houses Accommodations (Disability Services), Campus Police, CREW (Campus Resources Education Web), Advising & Career Services, Family Friendly Room, First Generation program, Paulanne's Pantry (Food Pantry), Student Conduct, Student Life, Student Success Coaching, Support and Empowerment Program, RISE Mentoring, Testing Services, TRIO Student Support Services, Title IX and the Dean of Students Office.

  • Success Coaching

    The Success Coaches are committed to promoting student success at the highest level possible and increase student retention for first-time-in-college (FTIC) students and students with identified risk factors by providing effective outreach and targeted support.

    Success Coaches can help students with:

    • Having a better understanding of how to navigate the college environment.
    • Recognizing their strengths and abilities to achieve success.
    • Developing academic and personal goals with a plan of how to achieve them.
    • Connecting to campus resources and services.
    • Feeling supported and a sense of community within the college.
    • Increased retention and completion rates.

    For more information, visit the Success Coaches webpage ( ).

  • Testing Services

    Testing Services is located on the second floor of Student Services. A valid photo ID is required for all exams.

    Test-takers may schedule appointments and pay online for the exams by clicking Schedule an Exam on the Testing Services website.

    If an instructor has submitted a course exam for a student to take in Testing Services, students can register for their exam by clicking Schedule an exam on the Testing Services website. MCC course exams do not require payment of a testing fee.

    Personal belongings such as backpacks, purses, and electronic devices are not allowed in Testing Services. Lockers are available in Testing Services for test-takers to store their belongings during their exams.. For more information, call 254-299-8453 or email

  • TRIO Student Support Services

    TRIO Student Support Services (SSS) is a federally funded grant program for students who are first-generation, low-income, or who have a documented disability.  The program serves 240 students annually and provides individualized support to help its participants succeed, graduate, and transfer.  Services/resources include academic advising, a computer lab and private study rooms, free printing, tutoring, college tours, cultural enrichment, and community-building activities.  All services and resources are free to students in the program.  An application is required. 

    For more information or to apply, visit our  webpage, email, or call 254.299.8431.