Section Instructional Types (Schedule Types)

There are several different formats and schedules for students to choose from at McLennan Community College. Students should check with their advisor to discuss the section instructional types or scheduling types that are available for specific courses. 

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Course Lengths MCC-Spring2023-742588_edited.jpg

1 st 8-week - Students will spend the same number of hours in the classroom in half the time of a traditional 16-Week course.

2 nd 8-week - Students will spend the same number of hours in the classroom in half the time of a traditional 16-Week course.

16-week - Students will attend class for a 16-week period for approximately 3 hours each week.

Minimester - Classes taking place between the regular semesters. Students attend the class for 2-3 weeks with approximately 3-3 ½ hours of instruction per day five days a week.

6-week (Summer only) - Students will attend summer classes for a 6-week period for approximately 8 hours a each week.

11-week (Summer only) - Students will attend summer classes for a 11-week period for approximately 4 ½ hours a week.

Course Types

Blended-Hybrid - These classes blend two great learning options: online and face-to-face. Students will spend half of the class time completing work online and the other half will be spent face-to-face in a classroom.

CAI (Computer Assisted Instruction) - These math classes are taught primarily on the computer. Students must have passed the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) Assessment and are responsible for meeting all course deadlines outlined in the syllabus and/or posted on Brightspace.

ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) - These classes are recommended for students whose first or home language is not standard English or for whom placement scores indicate a need for further development of reading or writing skills. This is a developmental education course to fulfill TSI requirements.

Evening - These classes start at 5 p.m. or later in the evening.

Hyflex - These classes allow students to have increased flexibility. For each class session, students may choose whether they want to attend class face-to-face in a classroom, through Zoom, or fully online.

Linked - These classes are generally developmental classes linked to a college-level class. These include two or more courses that are developed to show connections and relationships between the courses; for example, mathematics and economics or genetics and ethics. The instructors develop homework, papers, and projects that integrate ideas from the courses. Students can readily see how one course is connected to the other. Students are enrolled as cohorts, that is, the same group of students is in both classes. This helps develop community among students and enhances success in the courses.

McLennan IncludED McLennan IncludED  helps students save money on course materials and gives them instant access to those materials by the first day of class. Check your schedule in MyMCC or with your professor to find out if your course is a McLennan IncludED course. 

Off-campus - Classes taught at locations other than MCC's main campus.

Online - These classes are delivered online through the College’s learning management system, which allows for more flexibility for students. Online classes may contain a minimal amount of mandatory face-to-face sessions (either in-person or through Zoom). Students will need access to a reliable computer/laptop and Internet, in order to successfully complete an online course. Find out more about our online options at

STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math courses.

Study Trip - These courses are offered throughout the country and even internationally, so students may learn outside the classroom. See all of the study-trip courses MCC offers.

2-Way (or Two-Way) - These classes allow students located in several different locations to attend class together using two-way interactive video.

Weekend - Weekend courses meet on Saturdays and/or Sundays.