Admission & Registration

Policy G-II-a (

McLennan Community College (MCC) maintains an open door admissions policy and accepts applications throughout the year. Entrance examinations are not required, but tests for placement in appropriate courses are required. No particular test scores are necessary for admission to the College; however, acceptable scores are required to enroll in some college-level courses.

Admission to the College does not automatically admit students to a specific program. Students should consult with an academic advisor or a program director regarding admission requirements for specific programs.

Admission or re-admission to the College or programs may be denied to a person who does not meet the admission requirements of the College or program.

  • Requirements for Admission to the College

    New students and students who were not enrolled at McLennan Community College during the previous calendar year must apply or reapply for admission online at New students must also submit an official high school transcript or General Educational Development (GED) test scores, and transfer students must submit official transcripts from all colleges attended. Veteran students receiving or requesting VA educational benefits must submit official transcripts for all post-secondary and military institutions attended. Immigration records may be required of some students.

    Continuing and returning students are expected to maintain a current address, phone number, and email address. Changes can be made through Colleague Self-Service (

    Students must meet all admission requirements to the College before registration. Students who do not submit the appropriate transcript(s) (high school or college) or GED scores in person to Highlander Central ( or by mail to Admissions & Recruitment before the 12th class day for a fall/spring semester, fourth class day for a summer term sixth class day for 8-week terms, or second class day for a minimester term shall not be permitted to re-enroll. In addition, MCC official transcripts will be withheld until the transcript(s) or GED scores have been received.

    All incoming freshmen, transfer students and returning students who did not attend MCC in the previous long semester (fall or spring) will be required to provide proof of immunization against bacterial meningitis. The law does not apply to students:

    • Ages 22 and over
    • Enrolled only in online classes
    • Enrolled in continuing education courses
    • Enrolled in programs less than 360 hours
    • Enrolled in dual credit courses taught at a public or private K-12 facility

    Documentation showing that the student has received the immunization within the last five years must be provided at least 10 days prior to the first day of the semester in order to register for classes. Students must submit one of the following in order to be cleared for registration:

    • The signature or stamp of a physician (or his/her designee) or public health personnel on a form that shows the month, day and year the vaccination dose or booster was administered
    • An official immunization record generated from a state or local health authority
    • An official high school or college transcript that includes documentation of immunization provided by school officials (including records from other states)

    After submitting proof of immunization, there may be a waiting period to allow for the processing of immunization information before a student will be cleared for registration.

    Students who are required to have the vaccination will not be allowed to register until they provide proof of immunization to Highlander Central in the Enrollment Services Center.

    Documentation of immunization may be delivered to Highlander Central in person in the Enrollment Services Center (a drop box is available if you don't want to wait in line), mailed to Highlander Central, McLennan Community College, 1400 College, Waco, TX 76708; faxed to 254-299-6239; or emailed to

    An exemption may be requested by visiting the Texas Department of State Health Services at The form may be submitted in person at Highlander Central located in the Enrollment Services Center or by mail. Only the original copy of this form will be accepted.

    • Students Seeking a Degree or Certain Certificates

      Students who plan to work toward a certificate or a degree may qualify for admission to the College and for enrollment in college credit courses by meeting admission requirements in one of the following ways:

      1. Graduation from an accredited high school or home school

        Submit in person to Highlander Central or by mail to  Admissions & Recruitment an official high school transcript or other written proof of graduation from an accredited high school or home school program. Graduates from a non-accredited high school should submit an official high school transcript or other written proof of graduation. Graduates from a non-accredited high school may be admitted under the terms of individual approval (see below).

      2. Successful completion of the General Educational Development (GED) Test, if not a high school graduate

        Submit an official copy of the GED Certificate or an Official Report of Test Results in person to Highlander Central or by mail to Admissions & Recruitment, McLennan Community College, 1400 College Drive, Waco, TX 76708.

      3. Eligibility as a transfer student

        Submit an official transcript from all colleges and/or universities attended in person to Highlander Central or by mail to Admissions & Recruitment, McLennan Community College, 1400 College Drive, Waco, TX 76708. Transfer students must submit an official transcript and a report of their Texas Success Initiative Assessment (TSIA/TSIA2) status, if required, before enrollment. In the event the student cannot submit a complete transcript because of time constraints, an incomplete transcript and/or a current grade report may be used for advising purposes, but students are required to submit official transcripts by the 12th class day of a fall/spring semester, fourth class day of a summer term, sixth class day for 8-week terms or second class day of a minimester.

        Individuals who are on academic suspension from the last accredited college or university attended may be considered for admission by the Coordinator of Student Admissions or Director of Admissions and Recruitment. Students on disciplinary suspension from any college attended may not be eligible for admission into McLennan Community College until they are eligible to return to their previous college. Upon an examination of the applicant’s situation, the College will decide whether to grant or deny admission. 

        Admission will be decided by a committee chaired by the Vice President, Finance & Administration and comprised of the Compliance Coordinator, Director of Admissions and Recruitment, and the Title IX Coordinator.

      4. Individual approval

        An individual who does not qualify for admission under one of the other admission categories may be admitted by individual approval of the Coordinator of Student Admissions or the Director of Admissions and Recruitment. This category includes graduates from non-accredited high schools and students who have received a certificate of course completion from an accredited Texas high school. Students admitted on Individual Approval are not eligible to receive financial aid.

      5. Eligibility for a High School Pathways Program

        Dual Credit Program

        High school students who receive approval from their parents, principal or counselor, and the MCC High School Pathways Advisor may enroll for Dual Credit. That is, they may be granted credit by the College and the high school for course work successfully completed through MCC. To be eligible, students comply with the following conditions:

          1. The student must complete the High School Payways application process. See the High School Pathways webpage, 
          2. The student's first dual credit enrollment may occur no ealier than the fall semester of the freshman year in high school.
          3. The student must meet course prerequisite and corequisite requirements.
          4. For full admission to the dual credit program, students must:
            • Score as college ready on the TSIA or be exempted from TSIA according to state of Texas guidelines.
            • File a degree plan with the college upon completion of fifteen (15) semester creit hours of coursework.
          5. For conditional admission to the dual credit program, students:
            • may not exceed fifteen 915) semester credit hours of accumulated college coursework.
            • Will be designated as non-degree seeking in the MCC registration system.
          6. Students must not enroll in both early admission and dual credit courses in the same semester.
          7. The student must be enrolled in the required number of courses each day in the high school and be in attendance during the accounting period.
          8. The student must agree to abide by academic, general conduct and departmental policies of MCC as outlined in the Highlander Guide ( and the General Catalog (
          9. College credits earned by Dual Credit have the same value as credits earned after high school graduation.

        Early Admission Program

        High school students who have completed the sophomore year of high school may be eligible for admission to MCC to enroll in courses for college credit, not dual credit, if the following conditions are met:  
          1. the student must complete the High School Pathways application process. See the high School Pathways webpage,
          2. The student must be enrolled in the high school and the College concurrently during the academic year. (Exception: Early Admission students may enroll during the summer after completion of the 10th grade.)
          3. Under special circumstances, a high school student who has not completed the sophomore year may be granted approval by the Dean of Arts and Sciences to enroll in college-level course work. Approval is based on such factors as grade-point average (GPA), ACT or SAT scores, and other assessment indicators.
          4. The student must have the approval of the high school principal or counselor, parent or guardian, and the High School Pathways Advisor.
          5. The student must meet course prerequisite and corequisite requirements.
          6. Early Admission courses will be selected at the discretion of the student and an MCC Advisor.
          7. The student must agree to abide by academic, general conduct and departmental policies of MCC as outlined in the Highlander Guide ( and the General Catalog (
          8. College credits earned by Early Admission  have the same value as credits earned after high school graduation.
      6. Eligibility as an International Student

        An individual who has successfully completed at least the equivalent of 12 years of elementary and secondary education shall be eligible for admission to McLennan Community College if the following conditions are met:
        1. The student must submit an application for admission online at
        2. The student must submit the International Student Information Sheet (
        3. The student must submit official transcripts of all previous academic work. Documents in a language other than English must be accompanied by English translations certified by a university official. Students must have at least a C average to be eligible for transfer from another college or university in the United States.
        4. If not from an English-speaking country, the student must submit scores from the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) with a minimum score of 500 on the paper-based test, 61 on the Internet-based test (iBT) or 173 on the computer-based test. If the student has graduated from a high school in the U.S. or received the GED, the TOEFL may be waived, and a transcript or GED score report is required. The MCC TOEFL code is 6429. For more information, go to
        5. The student must provide a financial statement of support reflecting sufficient funds to cover all expenses while in the United States.
        6. The student must meet all admission requirements by July 1 for admission to the fall semester, November 1 for admission to the spring semester or April 1 for the summer semesters.
        7. The student must submit a $50 nonrefundable application fee.
        8. If under age 22, the student must submit the Bacterial Meningitis Immunization Form signed and completed by the student’s physician.
        9. Submit a copy of the front page of the student’s passport (biography page).
        10. The student must take the Texas Success Initiative Assessment (TSIA/TSIA2) prior to enrollment.

          If transferring from a U.S. school, the student must include a copy of his or her visa, passport, I-94 card, I-20 and a transfer clearance form completed by the international advisor at his or her current institution.

          Admissions & Recruitment shall notify students of tentative acceptance and shall provide necessary forms and information related to entering the United States on a student visa.

          International students attending MCC on student visas are required to maintain full-time student status by being enrolled in a minimum of 12 semester hours of course work with a minimum of 9 of those hours in face-to-face on-campus classes. Any exceptions must be approved in writing by the International Student Advisor, the Coordinator of Student Admissions or the Director of Admissions and Recruitment before a student may drop below full-time status.

  • Admission for Students Not Seeking a Degree or Certificate

    Students not seeking a degree or a certificate, who intend to enroll in a college credit course, are subject to the same admission requirements as students who may be seeking a degree or certificate, with some exceptions. 

    Non-degree-seeking students may be waived from the Texas Success Initiative Assessment (TSIA /TSIA2). Non-degree seeking transfer students need only submit an official transcript from the most recently attended accredited college or university. At any point the student becomes degree-seeking, all regular admission requirements will apply. Students may be asked to submit official transcripts from other institutions in order to meet prerequisite requirements for specific courses.

  • Admissions Committee

    The Vice President of Instruction & Student Engagement, the Vice President of Finance & Administration, the Director of Admissions and Recruitment, and the Coordinator of Student Admissions constitute the permanent Admissions Committee. The committee shall consider individual student requests for admission or re-admission when the student does not meet the College’s standard admission requirements. Requests for hearings should be made in writing to the Coordinator of Student Admissions.

  • Developmental Studies

    Developmental courses are designed to help students improve basic skills needed to succeed in college and may be required of students whose academic records or test scores indicate a need for further skills development. These courses do not count toward graduation requirements and usually do not transfer to universities or other four-year institutions.

    The following developmental courses are offered in a variety of instructional modes that may not be available for all courses:

    1. Modular, Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI), self-paced one-hour courses
    2. Online courses
    3. Blended courses (online instruction blended with face-to-face classroom instruction)
    4. Traditional face-to-face classroom instruction
    5. Co-requisite pairs of the last developmental course in a sequence and an appropriate college-level course taught in tandem in any of the above modes
    6. Non-course competency-based options that support developmental students who are mainstreamed in an entry-level college credit course in the same discipline

    The different instructional options offer students learning-style choices and opportunities to complete developmental courses quicker.

    In addition, short, intense workshops may be offered each semester for students needing to improve specific skills or their understanding of specific topics. These workshops may be related to specific courses, or they may be taken to improve students' Texas Success Initiative Assessment (TSIA /TSIA2) scores.

    The following are developmental courses/programs:

    • BASM 0100 B ase Beginning Algebra
    • INRW 0301 Integrated Reading/Writing I
    • INRW 0302 Integrated Reading/Writing II
    • MATH 0307 Elementary Algebra
    • MATH 0308 Foundations of Mathematical Reasoning
    • MATH 0311 Intermediate Algebra
    • NCBI 0100 College Integrated Reading & Writing Readiness
    • NCBM 0100 College Math Readiness
    • NCBM 0101 College Algebra Readiness
  • Texas Success Initiative (TSIA/TSIA2)

    Policy B-XX (

    The Texas Success Initiative (TSIA) is a program designed to ensure that all students attending public institutions of higher education in Texas have the reading, mathematics and writing skills necessary to perform effectively in college-level course work.

    Students must take the TSIA/TSIA2 prior to enrolling for any college-level course work unless otherwise exempt or enrolled in a waived Level-One Certificate program of 42 hours or less. The College reserves the right to make an exception to this policy for those individuals seeking additional training in a specialized workforce program after completion of a Level-One Certificate.

    The following students are exempt from the TSIA/TSIA2:

    • A student who has exemplary SAT, ACT, GED, TAKS, or STAAR scores.
    • A student who transfers to an institution from a public, private, or independent institution of higher education or an accredited out-of-state institution of higher education and who has completed college-level course work in the areas of reading, math, and writing with a grade of D or higher.
    • A student who has graduated with an associate or baccalaureate degree from a public institution of higher education.
    • A student who has attended any Texas public institution and has been determined to have met readiness standards by that institution.
    • A student who is serving on active duty as a member of the armed forces of the United States, the Texas National Guard or a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States and has been serving for at least three years preceding enrollment.
    • A student who on or after August 1, 1990, was honorably discharged, retired, or released from active duty as a member of the United States Armed Forces, the Texas National Guard, or service as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States.

      For further information and a detailed list of exemptions and waivers, visit                        

    Sections of the TSIA/TSIA2 that are passed will satisfy the requirements of the Texas Success Initiative, and those sections not passed will result in the student being required to meet the provisions of the institution’s developmental education plan.

    A student must begin any required developmental education during the first semester of college enrollment. In general, students are encouraged to address all areas of weakness in the beginning but must remediate in at least one area until all remedial sequences have been completed or the student passes the section of the TSIA/TSIA2 for which remediation was initially required.

    Students are required to remain enrolled in developmental education courses through the census date and are encouraged to remain enrolled through the completion of the semester. Reading is given priority over math and writing since the skill of reading applies to all areas of the curriculum.

    In addition, students who do not pass two or more sections of the TSIA/TSIA2 are required to enroll in EDUC 1300, a course designed to expose the student to learning theory and emotional intelligence skills, as well as assist the student in the development of study skills, time management, note-taking, critical-thinking skills, and more.

    Students who do not meet the minimum passing score on each section of the TSIA/TSIA2 may satisfy the requirements of the Texas Success Initiative in one of two ways:

    1. Achieving a passing score on sections TSIA/TSIA2 for which developmental education was initially required; OR
    2. Completing the required remediation.

    All students, unless otherwise exempt or enrolled in a waived Level-One Certificate program, must have TSIA/TSIA2 scores. MCC Testing Services ( offers the TSIA/TSIA2 on a regular basis. Students must complete the online pre-assessment activity using their MCC student ID number before they can take the TSIA/TSIA2.

    Following the receipt of test scores, students are advised for appropriate course selection.

    All students are required to see an academic advisor each semester. Advisors in the various departments are available to meet with students throughout the semester.

    Each student entering college for the first time is required to meet with an academic advisor to discuss the student’s major, test scores, and to provide guidance to the student in course selection and educational planning. All students who are new to McLennan Community College must complete New Student Orientation (NSO). The purpose of NSO is to welcome, inspire, and connect you to the McLennan community as a new Highlander. Combined with your New Student Academic Advising appointment, NSO equips you for success in your first semester at MCC!

    A student transferring from a Texas public, private, or an out-of-state institution of higher education must have made a grade of D or higher in college-level course work in the areas of math, reading, and writing in order to meet college-level readiness standards. If not, the student will then be required to test in the respective area s, and developmental education requirements will apply for those sections not passed. A student transferring from a Texas public institution who has met the requirements of the Texas Success Initiative at their college is considered ready for college-level work and is not required to test or meet developmental education requirements at MCC.

    Students who are regularly enrolled at private or out-of-state institutions of higher education who attend Texas public institutions temporarily are waived from the requirements of the Texas Success Initiative. Evidence of such enrollment must be from the immediately preceding semester. The only exception to this rule is for students who attend private or out-of-state institutions during the spring semester, do not go to school during the summer, and then decide to attend a Texas public institution in the fall semester. Otherwise, students who did not attend a private or out-of-state institution during the term immediately preceding the term for which they seek enrollment at a Texas public institution may not be waived from testing requirements. Such students must fill out and submit the Temporary Student Waiver ( to Highlander Central (

    For more information about the TSIA/TSIA2 exam, visit

  • McLennan Student Success Initiative


    All students who are new to McLennan Community College must complete the New Student Orientation [NSO Online] ( and attend Highlander Day ( offered by Advising & Career Services at MCC. During the New Student Orientation (in-person), you’ll establish meaningful relationships with your peers as well as with faculty and staff members dedicated to supporting you throughout your academic journey at MCC. You’ll also engage with campus traditions and familiarize yourself with the campus as part of the New Student Orientation Tour.

    Learning Framework Courses

    All incoming students are required to enroll in a Learning Framework class during their first semester in which they are eligible to take the course. Students who are college ready or have passed one of two sections of the Texas Success Initiative Assessment (TSIA/TSIA2) will be required to enroll in EDUC 1100. The EDUC 1100 Learning Framework course focuses on critical issues for students new to college. Emphasis is placed on addressing perceptions, expectations, behaviors, and outcomes required for college success. Upon completion, students will have knowledge of communication and social skills, time management, available college resources, and solutions to challenges in the college environment. At a minimum, students also must be co-enrolled in INRW 0301 or have passed the reading portion of the Texas Success Initiative Assessment (TSIA/TSIA2).

    Students who fail to pass two sections of the Texas Success Initiative Assessment (TSIA/TSIA2) are required to enroll in EDUC 1300. These courses cover more comprehensively the topics in the 1100 courses and provide in-depth exploration of students’ knowledge of learning theories, emotional intelligence, and practical student success strategies (note-taking, reading, test preparation, etc.). These students also must either have credit for or be concurrently enrolled in INRW 0301 or have passed the reading portion of the Texas Success Initiative Assessment (TSIA/TSIA2).

    EDUC 1100 and EDUC 1300 are credit courses and will count toward degrees at MCC. They are transferable to four-year colleges and universities as well. All students wanting to strengthen their study skills are welcome to enroll in these courses.

    Success Coaches

    The Success Coaches are committed to promoting student success at the highest level possible and increase student retention for first-time-in-college (FTIC) students and students with identified risk factors by providing effective outreach and targeted support.

    Success Coaches can help students with:

    • Having a better understanding of how to navigate the college environment.
    • Recognizing their strengths and abilities to achieve success.
    • Developing academic and personal goals with a plan of how to achieve them.
    • Connecting to campus resources and services.
    • Feeling supported and a sense of community within the college.
    • Increased retention and completion rates.

    For more information, visit the Success Coaches webpage (

    Accommodations (Disability Services)

    Accommodations may be provided to students with documented disabilities. The Accommodations Coordinator collaboratively determines the appropriate accommodation for an individual and case-by-case basis after the proper disability documentation from a licensed medical professional has been verified and the student has completed an intake form on Colleague Self-Service (

    For more information, visit the Accommodations web page ( ) or contact the Accommodations Coordinator at 254-299-8122.

  • Registration

    College Credit Courses

    Registration for college credit courses must be completed during the scheduled registration periods before the beginning of each semester or term. The class schedule is available in PDF form or searchable by subject in Colleague Self-Service ( on the College’s website before each semester or term. Admitted students will be given clearance to register.

    Students must meet with an advisor to discuss degree/certificate programs and class needs before registration. Before meeting with an advisor, students should view their degree plan(s) through Student Planning in Colleague Self-Service ( All courses required for a degree or certificate, courses that have been completed, and courses remaining to be taken are listed on the degree plan in Student Planning.

    Registration includes completion of required forms, preparation of a class schedule, and payment of all tuition and fees.

    Registration for courses beginning at irregular times during the semester or term is completed at the time specified for the particular course.