Health & Safety

  • Campus Emergency Procedures

    In All Emergencies

    If it is safe to do so, students should take personal belongings (car keys, purse, backpack, coat, etc.) with them. Students may not be allowed back into the building for some time. As a daily routine, students should consider positioning all items they may take with them so they are secure but quickly accessible.

    During an emergency, contact Campus Police at 8911 from a campus phone or 254-299-8911 from a cell phone.

    Reporting a Crime

    The following should be reported by calling Campus Police at 8911 from a campus phone or 254-299-8911 from a cell phone, or use the RAVE app:

    • Personal property taken or vehicle stolen while parked on campus
    • Threats and/or verbally abuse
    • Involvement in a “hit-and-run” accident
    • Witness to or knowledge of:
      • Suspicious activity
      • Theft
      • Vandalism
      • Threats, arguments, verbal abuse
      • Family/domestic violence
      • Assaults
      • Drug and alcohol violations
      • Traffic accidents

    If You Discover Smoke or Fire

    Pull the building fire alarm to alert others and call 8911 from a campus phone or 254-299-8911 from a cell phone for help, or use the RAVE app. If it is safe to do so, follow directions of college employees to evacuate to one of the gathering areas outside the building. Be sure to use the evacuation plan signs located on each floor of every building. Be aware of disabled persons who may need assistance.

    When the Fire Alarm Sounds

    1. Be aware of disabled staff, students, or visitors who may need assistance. Stryker-Evacuation chairs are available in stairwells of multi-level buildings. Instructions are attached to the chair.
    2. If it is safe to do so, take personal belongings. Leave the area by means of the primary evacuation route. Maps are posted in hallways near stairwells and elevators. If this exit is blocked, use the secondary or alternate route or exit. Become familiar with routes for all classrooms and areas you frequently use.
    3. Once outside the building, move at least 500 feet away from the building and await further instructions from emergency responders or campus officials. Do not block fire lanes.
    4. Don't leave campus unless told to do so by a campus official. Cars leaving the campus can interfere with emergency personnel entering the campus in a timely manner.
    5. Do not re-enter the building for any reason until officials give the “all clear.”

    Keep all fire lanes, streets, and service roads clear for emergency vehicles.

    Active Shooter Incidents

    The following guidelines are emergency actions that can be taken in the event an armed individual enters the area and starts shooting.


    • If it is safe to do so, leave the area as quickly as possible, assisting others who may need help.
    • Notify campus police at 8911 from a campus phone or 254-299-8911 from your cell phone.
    • Inform the police of the situation, location, number of shooters, your name, and your phone number.
    • If it is not possible to run from the area, find a safe place to hide where the door can be locked from the inside or can be blocked with heavy furniture or equipment. Turn off lights and cell phones.
    • If the shooter should enter your classroom, there are no “hard and fast” rules that can be given during a situation such as this. The student must use his or her own judgment on the procedure most likely to assure their safety. Everyone in the room should start throwing anything possible at the shooter so he or she can be distracted and subdued.

    If You See Something, Say Something

    If you see something suspicious taking place on campus or something just “doesn't look right,” report that behavior or activity to Campus Police by calling 8911 from a campus phone or 254-299-8911 from a cell phone, or use the RAVE app.

    Severe Weather

    There are two types of Severe Weather Alerts:

    Watch: Public notification that weather conditions exist that could lead to a warning.

    Warning: An alert from the National Weather Service confirming the occurrence of a severe weather event and the time, location, speed, and direction of movement.

    If severe weather is imminent:

    • A McLennan myAlert notification will be sent.
    • Remain calm. Do not exit the buildings!
    • Notify people in your immediate area to quickly move away from exterior glass doors and windows.
    • Proceed to an area designated as a “Tornado Shelter” on maps posted inside buildings. Remain there until the “all clear” is given by McLennan officials.

    Tornado shelters are indicated in blue on maps located near stairwells and elevators in all campus buildings.

    Inclement Weather

    Inclement weather events occur when ice and snow impact the operations of the college. The college may take the following actions in response to inclement weather:

    Early Dismissal: If Winter Weather Advisories, Watches, or Warnings have been issued by the National Weather Service, the college may suspend operations and dismiss students and staff.

    Delayed Openings: If ice and snow has occurred during the overnight hours, a determination will be made on the current conditions of roads and campus sidewalks/steps. If conditions are marginal but will improve in the morning hours, the college may open later in the morning hours to allow improvement of the roadways and college crews time to treat the campus sidewalks and steps.

    Cancellation of Classes: Current weather conditions that may not improve and permit students and employees to arrive in a safe and timely manner may result in the cancellation of classes and college operations.

    The notification process will occur as follows:

    Early Dismissal: A McLennan myAlert notification will be sent. Signs will be posted on all building entrance doors advising of the closure.

    College Closing: If you suspect a college closing due to inclement weather, check the McLennan home page, which will display a notification of any closings or delays. If there is no notice posted, then classes are in session and offices are open as usual.

    In order to receive information instantaneously, sign up for McLennan myAlert. By enrolling in myAlert, McLennan can quickly pass on safety-related information to you regardless of your location.

    You also may refer to announcements on local television stations’ websites, such as, or, or on local radio stations in the event that the McLennan website is not operational.

  • Campus Police

    McLennan is concerned about the safety and welfare of all people on campus and is committed to providing a safe environment.

    The McLennan Police Department employs 11 police officers commissioned by the Board of Trustees pursuant to Section 51.212 of the Texas Education Code. All commissioned officers are licensed by the Texas Commission of Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education and are recognized as peace officers under Article 2.12 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure.

    Campus Police have primary responsibility for law enforcement on campus and work closely with the Waco Police Department and other area law enforcement agencies. Campus Police conduct vehicular, foot, and bicycle patrol on campus 24 hours a day, seven days a week, providing around-the-clock protection.

    In addition to the commissioned police officers, the department employs three security officers who assist in safeguarding the campus community and enforcing college rules and regulations.

    Campus Police investigate all reported criminal activity and emergencies occurring on campus. The police department is headquartered in the Student Services Center.

    Potential criminal actions or emergencies on campus may be reported directly by any student, faculty or staff member. To quickly access the McLennan police, dial 8911 from any campus phone or 254-299-8911 from a cell phone, or use the RAVE app. Emergency call boxes connecting directly to Campus Police are located at various places on campus.

    The Waco Police Department also may be notified in emergency situations by dialing 911 from any campus phone.

  • Commonly Abused Drugs
  • Community Clinic at McLennan

    The Community Clinic at McLennan is a partnership between McLennan Community College and the Family Health Center. Located in McLennan’s Community Services Center (4601 N. 19th St.), the facility serves as a primary care clinic for the college’s students and employees and the community.

    Services include exams, immunizations, management of acute illnesses and stable chronic illnesses, lab services, x-rays, and minor surgery. The clinic accepts Medicare, Medicaid, most private medical insurance, and the Family Health Center’s Good Health Card discount program.

    For more information, visit the Community Clinic website or call 254-313-5800.

  • Counseling Services

    McLennan offers mental health counseling for currently enrolled students, including those taking classes from partner schools through the University Center. through a partnership with Tarleton state university, Counseling Services provides confidential counseling for emotional, relationship, family, and academic concerns at no cost. The Student Counseling Center office is open Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. and is located in the Math & Wellness building, Room 225B.

    To schedule an appointment, call 254-299-8210, email or come by the Counseling Center during office hours. 


    Campus Assessment Response and Evaluation (C.A.R.E.) provides assessment, connection to on and off campus resources, and aids and assists in crisis situations on campus. Currently enrolled students identified as posing a threat to self or others can be referred to C.A.R.E. online:

  • Crime Statistics (Annual)

    In accordance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, the following is a statistical report of crime on the McLennan campus.

    View the Annual Security Report.


  • Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program
  • Emergencies — Dial 8911

    Emergencies or potential criminal actions may be reported directly by any student, faculty or staff member. To quickly access the McLennan police, dial “8911” from any campus phone or 254-299-8911 from a cell phone. Emergency call boxes connecting directly to Campus Police are located at various places on campus.

    The Waco Police Department also may be notified in emergency situations by dialing “911” from any campus phone.

  • Emergency Notification System

    McLennan has partnered with Rave Mobile Safety to provide an emergency alert system capable of delivering messages to your student and personal email addresses, as well as your cell phone.

    The college enrolls all students in this McLennan myAlert system using their student email address. Students are encouraged to log in to the Rave Mobile Safety site to confirm their contact information and choose notification preferences, such as adding a personal email address and cell phone number. The student will receive all emergency messages through myAlert as well as other school notifications such as college closure due to weather conditions.

    While it is possible to opt out of receiving emergency messages through McLennan myAlert, you are encouraged not to do so. If you decide, however, to opt out of receiving these messages, you may contact Tech Support via email at or by phone at 254-299-8077.

    To manage your account, please visit the myAlert website.

    Your username is your 7-digit student ID. Your password is the same as your McLennan network password. Once logged in, you can manage your account.

    If you have any concerns regarding this email, please contact the McLennan Helpdesk at or 254-299-8077.

  • Insurance

    Information regarding health and sickness insurance programs is available to students and their dependents upon request. Brochures outlining the programs are available in the Human Resources Office located on the first floor of the Administration building.