Campus Life

      • Activities

        From cultural events to recreational activities, there's always something happening on campus. To keep up with what is happening on campus, check your student email, follow @mclennanstudentlife on Instagram, go to the Student Life Center in room 105 of Student Services Building or call 254-299-8444.

      • Athletics

        Past records and honors demonstrate that McLennan has one of the best overall junior college athletic programs in the nation. Intercollegiate athletics include basketball (men’s and women’s), baseball, golf (men’s and women’s), softball, and dance.

        For more information on these teams, call 254-299-8811 or visit

      • Bosque River Stage

        The Bosque River Stage is an outdoor amphitheater that hosts star-studded entertainment acts throughout the year. The amphitheater provides 530 theater-style seats with additional seating on adjacent grassy areas along the banks of the Bosque River.

        McLennan students studying the arts use this as a real-life lab for exploring performance and venue and concert management. 

        For more information, call 254-299-8283 or visit Bosque River Stage.

      • Food Services

        Grab & Go items, bottled/canned drinks, and snack options are available in the Highlander Café (Learning Technology Center), Tartan Café (Community Services Center), and Thistle Stop (Michaelis Academic Center). A rotation of area food trucks will be on campus daily to offer freshly made breakfast and lunch options. 

      • Student Organizations

        Student life offers many organizations to fit a variety of interests. Social, program-related, cultural, and honor societies are just a few examples of the types of organization you will find. Even if you don't find what you are looking for with our existing organizations, starting your own organization is encouraged. 

        • Special interest organiztions (social and cultural) are open to all students with the exception of those listed in italics, where students must meet the minimum requirements to join.
        • Special program student organizations (program/workforce-related) are open to students who are enrolled in that related program of study or program.
        • Honor Societies such as Phi Theta Kappa have GPA and additional requirements that must be met. These organizations generally send invitations to potential members.

        The student organizations page of the MCC website provides more information and a list of all active student clubs and organizations. Feel free to contact the organization advisor for meeting and event times or additonal information on how to become involved.

        Starting a New Student Organization

        The College recognizes the need for student organizations on campus and has outline a set of requirements needed for students to build their own student clubs or organizations. To begin the process of chartering a new student organiziation, students will need to:

        1. Identify other students who may be interested in participating in a new orgaization. The sustainability of an organization is important. Determine whether your organization will continue after you transfer or graduate from McLennan Community College. A list of interested students needs to be submitted with your application. There must be a minimum of five (5) members and the list must include their name and MCC ID number.
        2. Idenify one or more MCC faculty/staff members who agree to serve as advisors.
        3. Develop an organization constitution. It may be helpful to look at similar organization constitutions at other colleges. Key information that you will need to include in your constitution is provided in the Sample Constitution link below. 
        4. All potential student org advisor(s) and at least two (2) student members must complete the online Student Organiztion Training (found below) before becoming part of an official club to provide insight into how club processes typically occur. 
        5. The constitution will undergo a review process by the Student Life office and the VP of Instruction & Student Engagement. Once it has been determined the organization and its goals are compatible with the interest of the College, an Application for Charter (link below) must be submitted along with a digital copy of the constitution.


        Students wishing to form a new organization should contact the Student Life Office at or go to the Student Life Center (Student Services building, room 105)

        Student Organization Event Planning

        Student organizations must complete the Student Life Event Proposal Form before any campus event, meeting, volunteering, fundraising, travel or fellowship. The Student life Event Proposal Form must be submitted  at least fourteen (14) business days (campus operating hours) in advance of the event. Student Organization advisors need to be aware that a proposal form is being submitted. Not submitting this form in advance will result in possible cancellation of the event, meeting, volunteering, fundraising, travel or fellowship.  Events must be approved by the Student Life Office before student organizations are allowed to secure speakers/vendors for the event. Please note, because of the short amount of time around the holiday season, Student Life will NOT be accepting requests between Thanksgiving and the Winter Break.

        • Student Life Event Proposal Form - This form is for any on or off-campus events, meetings, community service, travel, fundraising, etc., and can only be found online.

        If there are any questions about how to fill out the form or club processes, please email Student Life at .

      • Summer College Hours

        Official summer hours are Monday-Thursday 8 a.m.-5 p.m. with certain areas open on Friday. Those areas include the Child Development Center, Continuing Education, Emergency Services Education Center, Advising & Career Services, and Testing Services. Highlander Central in the Enrollment Services Center is also open 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. on Fridays to handle enrollment, registration, financial aid and some Business Office matters. Cosmetology classes and labs remain open on Fridays and are closed on Mondays.

      • Tradition

        The students of McLennan play an important role in the establishment of traditions and in the observance of the traditions already established by former students. However, the Scottish traditions for McLennan really began in the 12th century when the McLennan clan first became known. The Scottish clan’s name was given to both this county and the college.

        The McLennan tartan, the wool fabric with the distinctive plaid pattern of the McLennan clan, is the official college banner. The McLennan crest, depicted by a human heart pierced by passion nails, is the official college seal. The motto of the crest is “HOC MAJORUM VIRTUS,” which is interpreted as “This is the valor of my ancestors.”

        Following the Scottish motif, the official symbol or trademark of the college is the Highlander. It represents a kilted Scottish warrior in battle dress, carrying a shield and sword. The colors of the McLennan tartan are the official college colors. The college flag displays the Highlander in black against an orange and white background.