McLennan IncludED

What is McLennan IncludED?

McLennan IncludED helps students save money on course materials and gives them instant access to those materials by the first day of class. Studies show that student success increases when students have all course materials readily available on the first day of class.

  • Students save money on course materials. McLennan-IncludED-logo-FINAL-color---Copy.png
  • Students have instant access to their materials online.
  • Students are ready with all of their materials before or on the first day of class

What are the benefits of McLennan IncludED?

  1. Students may purchase digital textbooks and materials at a reduced cost -- sometimes as much as a 50% savings!
  2. With McLennan IncludED, students do not have to hassle with the long lines in the bookstore. Materials are accessed online.
  3. Students have instant access to their digital materials through Brightspace on the first day of class.

Here's how it works:

  • The cost of materials is included as a course fee, so students pay for that rate to receive the correct course materials by the first day of class at a reduced cost. 
  • Students may use their financial aid awards to pay for this service. 
  • Students taking courses that are using McLennan IncludED will receive an automated email from McLennan Community College with more information about the program.

How do students know if their class(es) are using McLennan IncludED?

Courses participating in McLennan IncludED will have a Textbooks and Supplies fee in MyMCC under Textbooks and Supplies in Student Planning. Students may also confirm McLennan IncludED courses through the McLennan bookstore's website

Here's the process for accessing McLennan IncludED course materials:

  1. Register for courses. 
  2. Verify the format of the course materials through Student Planning by looking for a Textbooks and Supplies fee. The book or books will be accessible digitally through Brightspace. 
  3. The week before classes start, students will receive an email from the McLennan Bookstore which will include an activation link. OR
  4. The week before classes start, students will receive an email that reads, "Your Digital Books Have Arrived," which will contain an access code.
  5. If the email contains an access code, the student will login to the course in Brightspace and follow the directions to register with the code. 

What happens if I drop the McLennan IncludED course?

When a student withdraws from the College or drops a course, tuition and fees will be refunded according to policy. The same applies to McLennan IncludED courses. See the Refund Policy for more information.

For students dropping courses that are using ebooks (digital books), those course materials will be automatically removed from their Brightspace account and access will be terminated when the drop has been officially recorded. 

Access the McLennan IncludED/Follett Portal