PD Forms

  • PD Credit Form (Faculty)

    All requests related to professional development credit earned outside of MCC (This would be PD other than PD classes/ZPODs) should be submitted and processed electronically. The PD Credit Form is now available in SoftDocs. The SoftDocs PD Credit Form and any supporting documentation should be submitted in Etrieve/SoftDocs system. The PDF application is no longer available. 

    How to submit a form:

    • Visit Etrieve/SoftDocs and log in using your MCC credentials.  
    • Once you have completed the PD Credit Form, attach any supporting documentation.
    • Click on the Submit button at the bottom of the form. This will send the application and supporting documents to your Program Director for approval. Upon their approval, the application would then go to your Department Chair. 
    • To check the status of your request, contact your Department Head. 

    Please use the following link to access the form (please copy and paste the link if the hyper link fails): https://mcccentral.etrieve.cloud/#/form/169


    PD Credit Form

    For more information about these requirements and schedules, refer to these documents:


  • Apply for Funding
    Professional Development Program Policy


    Step-by-step guide: 

    Committee for Professional Employees and Faculty:

    The Professional Development Committee serves to solicit, collect, and judge proposals submitted by full-time regular professional employees for professional development and to provide input for professional development activities on campus for all professional staff. Click here for the Professional Employees Professional Development Proposal Form. Proposals are due the last Wednesday of each month.

    To apply for Professional Development Funding: 

    • Visit Etrieve/SoftDocs and log in using your MCC credentials.  
    • Completed the PD Funding Proposal Form
    • Attach any supporting documentation (airfare, lodging, gsa.gov screenshot for meals etc.)
    • Click on the Submit button at the bottom of the form.
    • SoftDocs will route the firm through all required approvals. Once all approvals are obtained the form will be sent to the Professional Development Coordinator. 
    • The PD Coordinator will present all completed PD Funding Proposals to the PD Committee on the first Friday of the month. 
    • The Chair of the PD Committee will email all funding decisions to the applicant. 

    Please contact the Professional Development Coordinator, Mikken Canham at mcanham@mclennan.edu with any questions.  

    Committee for Support Staff:

    The Support Staff Professional Development Committee serves to solicit, collect, and judge proposals submitted for professional development and to provide input for professional development activities on campus for all support staff. Click here for the Support Staff Professional Development Proposal Form. Proposals are due the last Wednesday of each month.  

    To apply for Professional Development Funding: 

    • Visit Etrieve/SoftDocs and log in using your MCC credentials.  
    • Completed the PD Funding Proposal Form
    • Attach any supporting documentation (airfare, lodging, gsa.gov screenshot for meals etc.)
    • Click on the Submit button at the bottom of the form.
    • SoftDocs will route the firm through all required approvals. Once all approvals are obtained the form will be sent to the Professional Development Coordinator. 
    • The PD Coordinator will present all completed PD Funding Proposals to the PD Committee on the first Friday of the month. 
    • The Chair of the PD Committee will email all funding decisions to the applicant. 

    Please contact the Professional Development Coordinator, Mikken Canham at mcanham@mclennan.edu with any questions.  

  • Class Creation Proposal Form

    If you would like to offer a POD course, please complete the Class Creation Proposal Form located in Adobe and email that to Mikken Canham at mcanham@mclennan.edu.

    Submitting the Class Creation Application Form (CCAF) does not guarantee or authorize the class. All CCAFs will be reviewed by the Professional and Organizational Development office. Please keep the following in mind when developing or requesting a Professional Development class: 

    • PD classes are a form of Continuing Education classes.
    • PD classes are training classes with defined training objectives.
    • PD classes are not wellness or personal development.
    • Most classes are 90 minutes and are offered on Mondays from 2:30-4pm and Tuesday through Friday from 9:30-11am and 2:30-4pm.
    • Professional development introduces and advances skill sets through continuing education, providing vital opportunities for professional careers.
    • Please note on the Proposal Form if you have a proposed room for the class. 
    • Step-credit classes are graduate-level, 16-hour (one step-credit) courses and offered on a limited basis. 

    Please contact the Professional Development Coordinator, Mikken Canham at mcanham@mclennan.edu with any questions.