Professional and Organizational Development Program Policy
PD Funding for Faculty and Professional Staff is provided by the MCC Foundation PD Endowment.
Committee for Professional Employees and Faculty:
The Professional Development Committee serves to solicit, collect, and judge proposals submitted by full-time regular professional employees for professional development and to provide input for professional development activities on campus for all professional staff. Proposals are due no later than the last Wednesday of each month.
To apply for Professional Development Funding:
- Visit SoftDocs and log in.
- Go to Forms and scroll down to Professional and Organizational Development.
- Select the POD Faculty and Professional Staff Funding Proposal.
- Complete the form and attach all supporting documentation.
- Sign the form and include your supervisor, Dean/Director, and Vice President in the Workflow Information section.
The form will first go to the Coordinator of Professional and Organizational Development, Mikken Canham, for review. The form will then go to your supervisor, Dean/Director, and Vice President for review. Your supervisors(s) may include comments and make a contribution to the funding. Once all supervisors have approved the application, the form will return to Mikken Canham. The proposal will be presented to the Faculty/Professional Staff PD Committee at the next monthly meeting. All applications are due by the last Wednesday of the month and will be presented the following month. The PD Committee meets on the first Friday of the month. The Chair of the PD Committee will email all funding decisions to the applicant.
Please contact the Coordinator of Professional & Organizational Development, Mikken Canham at with any questions. PD Funding Proposal are due no later than the last Wednesday of each month.
Committee for Support Staff:
The Support Staff Professional Development Committee serves to solicit, collect, and judge proposals submitted for professional development and to provide input for professional development activities on campus for all support staff. Proposals are due no later than the last Wednesday of each month.
To apply for Professional Development Funding:
- Visit SoftDocs and log in.
- Go to Forms and scroll down to Professional and Organizational Development.
- Select the POD Faculty and Professional Staff Funding Proposal.
- Complete the form and attach all supporting documentation.
- Sign the form and include your supervisor, Dean/Director, and Vice President in the Workflow Information section.
The form will first go to the Coordinator of Professional and Organizational Development, Mikken Canham, for review. The form will then go to your supervisor, Dean/Director, and Vice President for review. Your supervisors(s) may include comments and make a contribution to the funding. Once all supervisors have approved the application, the form will return to Mikken Canham. The proposal will be presented to the Faculty/Professional Staff PD Committee at the next monthly meeting. All applications are due by the last Wednesday of the month and will be presented the following month. The PD Committee meets on the first Friday of the month. The Chair of the PD Committee will email all funding decisions to the applicant.
Please contact the Coordinator of Professional & Organizational Development, Mikken Canham at with any questions. PD Funding Proposal are due no later than the last Wednesday of each month.