Professional & Organizational Development

Professional and Organizational Development (POD) provides opportunities for McLennan Community College Faculty and staff to improve the effectiveness of instruction and the efficiency of all support programs. POD supports MCC's mission "to engage, educate, and enrich its community" while embracing the college values of Integrity, Excellence, People, Inclusiveness, and Communication. POD works with departments and committees across campus to offer a variety of opportunities such as professional development classes, workshops, and informational sessions. 

POD offers

  • Over 100 PD Classes each fall and spring semester 
  • Several 7-week and 4-week Courses
  • PD Certificates
  • PD Funding through our Committees

POD hosts two Professional Development Days throughout the academic year. 

POD hosts two Scholar Days throughout the academic year. 

POD facilitates the Great Teacher - Great College annual retreat in Belton, TX. 

POD facilitates an annual trip to the NISOD International Conference in Austin, TX.

For more information about Professional and Organizational Development, please contact Mikken Canham at