Great Teacher Great College

Great Teachers Great College against a MAC backdrop next to a POD torch

Professional & Organizational Development is proud to present the annual Great Teachers/Great College Seminar. The seminar is based on the National Great Teachers Movement which brings teachers together from across North America to learn from each other and exchange teaching innovations and solutions to current instructional problems. In spite of what the name might suggest, the seminar is not so much an assembly of "great teachers" as it is a group of dedicated educators in search of the "great teacher" within themselves. With no experts or keynote speakers, the seminar is based on the principle that teachers are the experts in teaching and learn best from one another. Visit the Kentucky Seminar Webiste for more Information

“The National Great Teachers Movement is called a 'movement' because it is not  associated with, nor does it constitute a corporation or an organization of any kind. Thus, it serves no institutional or commercial interests. There is no headquarters or address, and there are no officials, owners, employees or politics. There' are no manuals or handbooks, only a few simple guidelines.

Everything is passed on by oral tradition in order to prevent the development of any form of true-believership or fixed procedure which might come to be followed to the letter and of which the educational profession would soon tire. The many annual Great Teachers Seminars throughout North America, and now in several foreign countries, exist and persist only because of the initiative and selfless ambition of people who want to share the experience with teachers in their own geographic area." Click here to learn more about the history of the movement.

MCC has been a part of the Great Teachers Movement since 2012. POD hosts our annual seminar at Summers Mill in Belton. Texas. In recognition the devotion and contributions of our staff, MCC has adapted the seminar to be the Great Teachers/Great College (GTGC) Seminar.  GTGC seeks to build collaboration across campus and break down silos by inviting both faculty and professional staff to participate in this unique opportunity.

2024 Great Teacher Great College Group Photo

Intrested in Attending? 

The upcoming seminar is from March 19-22, 2025. Faculty may apply to attend (be on the lookout for the annual registration link emailed from Mikken Canham), and professional staff will receive invitations from their vice president.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email Mikken Canham at or call 254-549-4357.