Student Organization Event Planning

Student organizations must complete the Student Life Event Proposal Form prior to any campus event, meeting, volunteering, fundraising, travel, or fellowship. The Student Life Event Proposal Form must be submitted at least fourteen (14) business days (campus operating hours) in advance of the event. Student Organization advisors need to be aware that a proposal form is being submitted. Not submitting this form in advance will result in a possible cancellation of event, meeting, volunteering, fundraising, travel or fellowship. Events must be approved by the Student Life Office before student organizations are allowed to secure speakers/vendors for the event. Please note, because of the short amount of time around the holiday season, Student Life will NOT be accepting requests between Thanksgiving and the Winter Break. 

IMPORTANT: When registering for an event off campus and filling out the name of your organization on any documentation, you will need to use the name of your student organization followed by "MCC Chapter". Student organizations represent a portion of the campus, not the institution as a whole. Example: "Art Club, the MCC Chapter."

Guest Speakers

The following forms are required for any guest speakers, workers, or volunteers that are not affiliated with MCC. They have to fill out both of these forms and email them to us at We will then send them to HR and take care of it from there. There is a portion on the DPS form that talks about a $25 fee for fingerprinting for background checks. Please be sure to let them know that they do not need to do that. The top of the DPS form must list full name and any aliases, including maiden names. The documents below need to be submitted no later than 1 week before the event date. Please let us know if you have any questions.

Student organizations planning to pay an individual to speak or provide some other service, in addition to the background check, must ask the speaker/vendor to submit a W9 tax form. The advisor would then need get an executed contract along with an approved “Independent Contractor vs. Employee Form” PRIOR to the event taking place. Please contact the business office for the W9 form. 

Liability Form

For all off campus events or on campus events that have a level of risk higher than normal, students must complete the Liability Form. This form only needs to be completed once each academic year (fall, winter, spring). This form is only available online.

Other Important Forms

Please refer to these forms to help with planning your student organization's events.