Student Organization Basics
Currently Approved Organizations
All active student organizations are required to complete the Student Organization Active Status Application at the beginning of the academic year. Organizations not completing these forms will be determined inactive and will not be able to hold meetings or events.
Student Organizations will need to follow the process for starting a new student organization if they fall under 2 out of the 3 categories below:
- The student organization has been inactive longer than a year
- There is a new club advisor
- Student org is using a different constitution
New Student Organizations
The college recognizes the need for student organizations and provides criteria for the establishment of campus student organizations as listed in the Highlander Guide. To begin the process of chartering a student organization, students will need to:
- Identify other students who may be interested in participating in a new organization. Sustainability of an organization is important. Determine whether your organization will continue after you transfer or graduate from McLennan Community College. A list of interested students needs to be submitted with your application. There must be a minimum of five (5) members and the list must include their name and MCC ID number.
- Identify one or more MCC faculty or staff members who agree to serve as advisors.
- Develop an organization constitution. It may be helpful to look at similar organization constitutions at other colleges. Key information that you will need to include in your constitution is provided in the Sample Constitution link below.
- All potential student org advisor(s) and at least 2 student members must complete the online Student Organization Training (found below) before becoming part of an official club so as to provide insight on how club processes typically go.
- The constitution will undergo a review process by the Student Life office and the VP Instruction & Student Engagement. Once it has been determined the organization and its goals are compatible with the interests of the college, an Application for Charter (link below) must be submitted along with a digital copy of the constitution.
Students wishing to form a new organization should contact the Student Life Office:
Student Organization Training
All new and active MCC student organizations are required to go through training once annually in order to be aware of basic club procedures as well as any updates to policies. All club advisors and at least 2 student members from each student organization need complete the training. The online training can be found below.