Green Zone Certification


Professional Development on Military Awareness

Green Zone Highlander Graphic with American Flag Background

McLennan Community College's Green Zone certification is designed for faculty and staff to gain an awareness of the potential challenges service members, student veterans, and their family members may face when transitioning from the military to college. Becoming more aware of the military mindset helps our students navigate through college, be successful, and experience a smooth transition to a civilian career.

This professional development training will teach individuals that the military way of life does not leave a person even when he or she takes off the uniform. Rather, veterans bring the skill sets they learn with them into the classroom. The goal is to learn to truly appreciate this and use it as a learning tool for all students.

Our Way of Saying Thank You!

This training has the potential to help all students on the MCC campus, as faculty and staff become more socially and emotionally aware that a student's background can and does affect their abilities within the classroom. It is also one of the best ways to show gratitude for the sacrifice veterans have made for us. For faculty and staff to take time out of their busy schedules to learn what life was or currently is like for veterans demonstrates MCC's compassion and desire to do whatever we can to help them get an education.

Professional Development Certification Classes

The Green Zone Professional Development certification will be awarded once an individual completes all 10 classes. Participants will receive a Green Zone sticker to proudly display in their office when the Green Zone Core class is completed.

  • Veteran Diversity 101 (prerequisite)
  • Green Zone Core (prerequisite)
  • Veteran Benefits and Resources
  • Empathy & Active Listening
  • Veteran Health
  • Suicide: Awareness & Prevention for Veterans
  • Veteran Student Disabilities
  • Advising Veterans
  • Veteran Panel

Point of Contact

Green Zone Training Information:

        Mikken Canham - (254) 299-8647 or  

Veteran Benefits Information:

Financial Aid  - (254) 299-8698 or