Tuition & Fees

McLennan Tuition (per semester hour)

Reading book
  • McLennan County residents
    $106 (Minimum $212)
  • Dual Credit students
    $61 (Minimum $122) (through Summer 2024)
    $55 (No Minimum) (effective Fall 2024)
  • Texas residents
    $124 (Minimum $248)
  • Out-of-state residents & international students
    $181 (Minimum $385)

Establishing Texas Residency:
Click HERE for information about establishing residency status in Texas.

Student Fees

Tuition Refund Information

Summer Minimester
Summer I
Summer II
Registration Begins April 1 - 7:00 a.m.
Start Date May 9 June 3 July 11
100% Refund Deadline May 9 June 4 July 15
70% Refund Deadline May 13  June 10 July 18
25% Refund Deadline May 14  June 12 July 23
No Refund After May 14 June 12 July 23

Fall 16-Week
First 8-Week
Second 8-Week
Registration Begins April 1 - 7:00 a.m.
Start Date August 26 August 26 October 21
100% Refund Deadline August 28 August 28 October 23
70% Refund Deadline September 16 September 5 October 30
25% Refund Deadline September 23 September 9 November 1
No Refund After September 23 September 9 November 1

Note: The term "class day" refers to the number of calendar days classes have been in session. See our policy on Tuition & Fees: College Credit Courses (D-XI-B) for refund periods of courses of all lengths, or call the Business Office at 254-299-8627. "Mandatory fees" include General Services Fee, Facilities Fee, and Lab Fees. "Optional fees" are non-refundable.

Tuition refunds apply only to that portion of a student's semester hour enrollment for which tuition has been charged and payment received. Tuition and fees paid directly to the college by a sponsor, donor or scholarship will be refunded to the source, rather than directly to the student.

Payment Term Agreement

All students must agree to the Terms and Conditions each semester prior to registering for classes. This agreement will automatically appear in MyMCC before you select your classes. Different terms apply to students who choose to enroll in a payment, see your agreement for details.