Campus Emergency Preparedness
This website will help you be prepared in the case of an emergency. Please read through so that you know:
- WHAT to do in an emergency.
- WHEN to respond.
- HOW to respond.
- WHO to call.

In All Emergencies
If it is safe to do so, put away sensitive material and take your personal belongings (car keys, purse, coats, briefcases, etc.) with you. You may not be allowed back into the building for some time. In your daily routine, consider positioning all items you may take with you so they are secure but quickly accessible.
If you are on campus at night during an emergency, contact Campus Police at 8911from a campus phone or 299-8911 from a cell phone.
Campus Police
Calling from a campus phone: 8911
Calling from a cell phone: 254-299-8911
Follow instructions from McLennan’s CERT members.
- If it is safe to do so, take your personal belongings and secure sensitive materials.
- Be aware of disabled staff, students or visitors who may need assistance. Stryker-Evacuation chairs are available in stairwells of multi-level buildings. Instructions are attached to the chair.
Shelter in Place
Follow instructions from McLennan’s CERT members.
- Remain calm.
- Do not exit the building.
- Notify persons in your area to quickly and orderly get away from the perimeter of the building and exterior glass.
McLennan Cert Members

Members of McLennan Community College’s CERT(Campus Emergency Response Team) are faculty and staff who volunteer their time to receive special training to assist the Campus Police and McLennan administration during an emergency. Each team member may be called upon to give instructions and pass along important information during an emergency. Additionally, these team members act as extra eyes and ears to report back to Campus Police once an emergency has been declared.
Reporting a Crime

The following should be reported by calling Campus Police at 8911 from a campus phone or 299-8911 from a cell phone:
- If you have personal property taken from you or your vehicle while parked on campus.
- If you are an employee and notice that equipment is missing from your work area (after you have searched and asked fellow employees of equipment relocation). The value, or lack of value, should not be a factor in making a report.
- If you are threatened and/or verbally abused.
- If you are involved in a “hit-and-run” accident.
- If you witness or have knowledge of the following:
- Suspicious activity
- Theft
- Vandalism
- Threats, arguments, verbal abuse
- Family/domestic violence
- Assaults
- Drug and alcohol violations
- Traffic accidents
When making a report, be prepared to provide as much information as possible. Use the 5 W’s & H as a guideline:
- WHO — is committing the crime?
- WHAT — is occurring?
- WHERE — is the crime being committed?
- WHEN — did the crime occur?
- WHY — did the crime occur?
- HOW — was the crime committed?