Training Framework

Document compliance

Training is document compliance is currently being done through a self-paced fully online course.  Student workers review videos on a variety of subjects and then complete small projects that demonstrate their competency in that subject.  There is a capstone project where student workers are presented with a work document and PowerPoint file that contain errors that must be corrected.  This capstone demonstrates the student worker’s ability to apply the skills developed in the earlier projects to an unknown problem set.  The problems all center around the ability to create digital content that is compliant for screen readers.  In many cases, this also has an added advantage of creating content that is more readily accessible to those with learning disabilities


All graphics have proper Alt-Tags or descriptions applied.  In either case the graphic should not just be described but also contain information as to the purpose of the graphic is meant to fulfill.

Header tags

Text should be broken down in smaller chunks using headings were practical with proper heading tags applied.  Care should be taken to assure that there is only one Heading 1 tag in the document.


At a minimum, the top row of a table with be coded as a header row and contain labels that correctly identify each column.  Where applicable, the first column of the table should also contain labeling to identify that rows content

Text Formatting


The layout of text on the page should take advantage of whitespace through the use of headings, bullets, numbered lists, and indenting where applicable.


Color should be used judiciously and never as the only means of emphasis.  Other changes to text such as boldface or italics should also be used to show emphasis. 


While WCAG doesn’t specifically address fonts, font choice and size should be considered in relation to readability by those with disabilities.


Currently captioning training is being done face-to-face.  Plans are to move this to a self-paced fully online course as is currently done with the document compliance course. The following captioning platforms are used:


YouTube is main platform used for captioning. It is well suited for use with faculty created content where the source is readily available.  It supports a robust auto-captioning engine and also the import and export of a variety of caption files types, including import of transcripts. 


In cases where source files are not available, as with many YouTube videos being used in courses, Amara can be used to create a player that wraps around the YouTube video and can then load captions over the original video.  It also will auto-generate a transcript of the video from those captions.  There is some thought that 508 compliance trumps copyright concerns.  In our case we capture a copy of the video for purposes of uploading it into our YouTube workspace.  We then do our captioning there, export the .SRT file and delete the video copy.  That .SRT file is then imported into the Amara workspace for that 3rd party video.  We can then either get an embed code or URL for the video that can be used within the course.


We are also looking at using MovieCaptioner software to generate a transcript that can then be imported directly into YouTube and synced with the video.  In some cases, student workers can type the transcript quicker than they can correct the auto-captioned content. MS Word is also used to create transcripts.