Intervention, Workshops, and Training


MCC Online Student Title IX Training

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Bystander Intervention

Bystander intervention is the act of feeling empowered and equipped with the knowledge and skills to effectively assist in the prevention of sexual violence.

Bystander intervention is encouraged through safe and positive intervention techniques and by empowering third-party intervention and prevention such as calling for help, using intervention based apps, identifying allies and/or creating distractions. Bystanders are encouraged to take precautions to protect their own safety as much as possible when planning an intervention.

Bystander Intervention plays a significant role in the prevention of sexual misconduct. Bystander intervention:

  1. discourages victim blaming and makes the issue a community problem rather than individual problem;
  2. helps create allies in ending sexual misconduct;
  3. plays a role in social and community norm changing.

“Bystanders are more likely to “engage in pro-social behavior” when they are aware that there is a problem and they see themselves as a responsible party in solving the problem.”

- Latane, B., & Darley, J. M. (1970).

  1. Recognize signs that an act of sexual violence may occur or is occurring.
  2. Identify that the potential victim is at risk and that intervention is appropriate.
  3. Decide whether or not to take responsibility to intervene.
  4. Decide the most appropriate and safest way to intervene.
  5. Implement the decision to intervene safely to diffuse the situation.

Burn, S. M. (2009).

Workshops and Training

In an effort to reduce the risk of sexual harassment and misconduct, the college utilizes a range of campaigns, strategies, and initiatives to provide awareness, education, risk reduction, and prevention programming.

It is the policy of the College to offer programming to prevent domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault (including stranger and known offender assaults) and stalking each year. Educational programs such as Get Inclusive training and workshops are offered to raise awareness for all incoming students on the risk reduction of dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, and other forms of sexual harassment or misconduct as well as bystander intervention, consent and drug and alcohol awareness training. Training for incoming students and new employees is conducted during new student and new employee orientation. These programs and others offered throughout the year include strong messages regarding not only awareness but also primary prevention and discussion of institutional policies on sexual misconduct as well as the State of Texas’ definitions of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, and consent in reference to sexual activity.

Programs also offer information on risk reduction that strives to empower victims, how to recognize warning signals, and how to avoid potential attacks, and do so without victim-blaming approaches. Throughout the year, ongoing awareness and prevention campaigns are directed to students and employees, including faculty, often taking the form of emails, guest speakers, and events.

Available workshops include:

  • One Love Workshops
  • Consent: Treat it Like a Cup of Tea
  • Dating Violence
  • Engaging Bystanders in Sexual Violence Prevention
  • Step Up!: Bystander Intervention
  • Talk About It: Bystander Intervention
  • Title IX: What You Never Knew You Needed to Know

For more information about workshop schedules, call 254-299-8334.