Frequently Asked Questions

McLennan Honors College accepts, by application and interview, academically talented and focused students whose interests are served through a program that is compatible with diverse student majors. Faculty members associated with the Honors College serve as professors and mentors who facilitate learning opportunities.

Keeping membership small allows Honors College Scholars to have meaningful interactions with each other and with the professors who participate in the College. Currently, approximately 10 to 15 students are admitted each year. Once admitted, most HC Scholars are renewed for a second year so long as they continue to meet grade and participation requirements.

Honors College Scholars take regular college classes but also have the opportunity for specialized course work, exposure opportunities, individual mentoring and relationship building that increase both the breadth and depth of learning. In addition, Honors College scholarships may cover tuition and fees up to 18 credit hours per semester for up to four semesters (excluding summer sessions) and offer semester book allowances to assist with the purchase of course texts and required supplies. Honors Scholars must maintain a minimum college GPA of 3.3, enroll in appropriate Honors courses as advised (one per long semester), and be members in good standing.

The Honors College is designed for students who have demonstrated exceptional academic performance. Ideal candidates have achieved a minimum of a 3.5 GPA (or high school equivalent) and have demonstrated an aptitude for learning, service and leadership. Admission is not based on financial need per se. Each applicant must submit an essay indicating reasons for applying and goals for the experience.

The Honors College intends to accept a diverse group of talented, motivated and committed students from multiple majors and programs. Anyone who intends to enroll full time (12 hours or more per long semester) and who meets the application criteria may apply to the Honors College. Because the process is competitive and numbers are limited, meeting these criteria is not a guarantee of admission.

High school students are encouraged to complete the Honors College application in early spring before they graduate. However, later applications will be considered. Please contact Dr. Otsmar Villarroel  or Dr. Shelly Rogers-Sharer to inquire.

Students who have been accepted to McLennan or are currently enrolled may apply using the Honors College application. For more information, please contact the McLennan Honors College directors Dr. Otsmar Villarroel or Dr. Shelley Rogers-Sharer.

The Honors College offers challenging courses, personalized advising, scholarships, and social and cultural activities.