Prerequisite Courses
The following courses must be taken before admission to the Radiologic Technology program:
- English 1301 Composition I or English 1302 Composition II
- Biology 2401 Anatomy & Physiology I
- College Level Math
- RADR 1201 - Introduction to Radiography**
The following courses may be taken before admission to the Radiologic Technology Program:

- BIOL 2402 Anatomy and Physiology II
- Language, Philosophy, Culture or Creative Arts Elective - 3 hour credit course
- PSYC 2301 General Psychology or SOCI 1301 Introduction to Sociology
*Note: As Anatomy and Physiology are foundational for the practice of radiologic technology, the Anatomy and Physiology courses cannot be more than 5 years old at the time the student applies to the program.
**Note: This course must be taken at McLennan Community College.