NAACLS Outcomes Data

The National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Science (NAACLS) is committed to ensuring quality in clinical laboratory science programs. McLennan Community Colleges' accredited MLT program tracks graduation rates, American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) Board of Certification (BOC) pass rates and the placement of graduates in laboratory settings or if the graduate continues their education as part of the required NAACLS outcome measures.


NAACLS Outcomes Data

ASCP BOC Pass Rates

(1 year pass rate)

Graduation Rates Attrition Rates Job Placement Rates
August 2023* 75% 100% 0% 80%
August 2022 80% 100% 0% 80%
August 2021 92% 100% 0% 100%
August 2020 85% 100% 0% 100%

*The 2023 graduate data is incomplete and will be updated when all students in the cohort have tested or 1-year post-graduation.

The MLT Program at MCC graduates one class per year in August. The MLT Program graduated 5 students in August 2023. As of April 1, 2024, 4 of the 5 students have sat for the ASCP BOC exam and 3 of the 4 passed the exam (75% pass rate). Placement data for the August 2023 graduates shows 4 of the 5 graduates are employed or continuing their education (80%). 

Graduation and attrition rates are cohort-based. Cohorts are defined as all students enrolled in the MLT program at McLennan Community College who have entered the final half of the program (MLAB 2534 - Microbiology) in the spring and go on to successfully graduate in August of the same year.  The MLT program coursework must be completed in a 12-month consecutive timeframe as defined by our MLT degree plan. The MLT program runs from August to August of the following year. 

Placement and exam pass rates are also based on cohorts. Of the individuals who responded to requests for information, including personal communication and/or surveys, graduates were counted as placed if employed in the field or if they are continuing their education within 12 months of graduation. Graduates were counted as passing the ASCP Board of Certification exam if they passed within one year of graduation. The MCC MLT program exclusively uses the ASCP Board of Certification data for the pass rates shown here.

MLT program outcomes measures are defined by the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Science (NAACLS, 5600 N. River Road, Suite 720, Rosemont, IL 60018, 773‐714‐8880,

From the NAACLS Standards:

Standard II.B.1: NAACLS BENCHMARK FOR CERTIFICATION RATES For MLT: Results of the last three active years of graduate certification rates demonstrating an average of at least 75%* certification rates from all examinations (data from ASCP-BOC and/or AMT must be provided) for graduates who take the exam within the first year of graduation. 

Standard II. B. 2: NAACLS BENCHMARK FOR GRADUATION RATES At least the three active years of results of graduation rates demonstrating an average of at least 70%* of students who have begun the final half of the program go on to successfully graduate from the program as calculated by the most recent three-year period.

Standard II.B. 3: NAACLS BENCHMARK FOR GRADUATE PLACEMENT RATES At least the three active years of results of graduate placement rates demonstrating that an average of at least 70%* of respondent graduates either find employment in the field or a closely related field (for those who seek employment) or continue their education within one year of graduation as calculated by the most recent three-year period.