Strategic Plan

Mission Statement
The McLennan Community College Foundation promotes quality higher education that enriches the academic, economic and cultural life of our diverse community. To further this mission, the Foundation acquires financial resources and strengthens support to fund scholarships, professional development, and capital improvements for the students, faculty and staff of the College and the broader communities it serves. In so doing, the Foundation hopes to enhance quality of life, encourage success, and positively change the futures of students and their families.
The McLennan Community College Foundation will strive to secure philanthropic and external sources of support for the students, faculty, staff and programs of McLennan Community College.
We strive for:
- 80 percent of all college employees to contribute at least annually to the Foundation.
- Every McLennan Community College Foundation Board member to be an active participant in the friend and/or fundraising activities of the Foundation.
- Every major corporation in McLennan County to contribute regularly or establish an endowment with the Foundation.
- Every local foundation that gives to public higher education to include the McLennan Community College Foundation among their grantees.
- Every major local service organization and trade and professional association to contribute regularly or to establish an endowment with the Foundation.
- McLennan alumni to actively support the Foundation.
- Local private philanthropists to give regularly to the Foundation and include the Foundation in their estate plans, retirement plans and/or life insurance designations.
- Special events actively sponsored by and/or indirectly supported by the Foundation to fund and continue funding significant endowments.
We value:
- Supporting student success, high academic achievement, student completion of their degree program and student involvement in civic life through volunteerism.
- Supporting faculty scholarship and professional growth and development for all staff.
- Supporting programs that recognize student success and faculty accomplishments.
- Efforts to improve the curriculum though the integration of technology that improves learning and teaching as well as ensures that students have a state-of-the-art instructional environment to compete successfully on the job or at the university to which they transfer.
- Programs and services that improve the college’s responsiveness to the training needs of business and industry to ensure that McLennan County remains globally competitive as well as a magnet for those wanting an excellent community in which to work and live.
The McLennan Community College Foundation in its private fundraising activities subscribes to the following guidelines:
- Function essentially as an endowment foundation expending earnings for the students, staff and faculty according to the wishes of the donor.
- Focus on the long-term programmatic goals of the college.
- Seek to fund McLennan’s margin of excellence and the enhancement of its academic programs, services and facilities.
- Recognize that friend raising precedes fundraising.
- Be donor-directed in solicitation activities seeking to match contributor interests with McLennan’s needs.
Quick Links & Forms
- Emergency Grant Application
- Employee Giving Form
- Distinguished Alumni Nomination Form
- Distinguished Leader Nomination Form
- Alumni Association Membership Form
- Lend a Hand
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