Signs in Behavior

Behaviors that can be referred to CARE may fall within the following classifications below. The goal is to connect students to CARE and offer preventative measures, interventions as needed, and avoid escalation. Potential behavioral/emotional, or physical indicators of student difficulties that may grant a referral include the following:

  • Statements related to death or dying or feelings of hopelessness
  • Overtly suicidal thoughts (including referring to suicide as a current option or in a written assignment).
  • Mention of or exhibiting self-injurious behavior, such as cutting or burning, or exposing previously unexposed self-injuries.
  • Highly disruptive behavior (e.g. hostility, aggression, violence, etc.).
  • Threats of physical assault such as pushing, shoving or punching.
  • Outbursts of anger. 
  • Loss of contact with reality (seeing/hearing things that are not there, beliefs or actions at odds with reality).
  • Inappropriate communications (including threatening letters, e–mail messages, and harassment).