Summer and Minimester Student Checklist

Step 1: Prepare to Apply
Gather Information
- Search for current courses offered.
- Review our Pathways page for current degrees & certificates offered at MCC.
- Review our current academic catalog.
- Check with your home college advisor to make sure the MCC classes will transfer.
- Find out which courses transfer to MCC through our Transfer Equivalency System.
- International students must also submit a letter from their current international advisor approving them to enroll at McLennan for summer and/or minimester courses.
Step 2: Apply to MCC
Ways to Apply
- If you did not attend MCC during the last year, you must submit an updated application.
- Choose “Transfer” for your Pathway and “Non-Degree Seeking” for your program of study when applying.
- After applying, you can start on the Steps (below) to Get Enrolled.
Step 3: Get Enrolled
Submit Required Documents
- Students who plan to take a course that has a required prerequisite must submit the prerequisite waiver request form prior to registering.
- A transcript showing credit for the prerequisite course must be submitted before registering for classes.
- Request your most recent college transcript through or contact your previous college's Records department or Registrar's office.
You may have your transcript(s) delivered by mail, digitally, or in person.
Submit your proof of the Bacterial Meningitis Immunization
- Are you under the age of 22? If so, Texas law requires you to show proof of immunization against bacterial meningitis. Find out how to submit this documentation.
- If you are only taking online courses, you do not need to submit your shot record.
Register for Classes
If you are a student who regularly attends another college and are taking a minimester or summer course only, you will not need to meet with an advisor.
Step 4: Get ready for class
How do I pay?
- Online: Credit/debit cards or checks (ACH) are accepted 24/7 on MyMCC.
- By mail:
- Make checks payable to MCC.
- Write your MCC student ID number on the check.
- Mail to MCC Business Office, 1400 College Drive, Waco, TX 76708.
- On campus:
- During normal business hours, visit the Business Office on the 1st floor of the Administration Building. Need help? 254-299-8627
How do I buy my textbooks?
- Books may be purchased online or in-person at the McLennan Bookstore in the Michaelis Academic Center on campus.
Important final steps to get started
Check your new MCC student email
Your MCC student email address will be used for all MCC communications; so, it is very important that you know you have an MCC student email, that you read it, and use it daily.- Learn more about your student email account.
Get your student ID & parking sticker
- You may pick up your student ID at the Business Office in the Administration building on campus or order your student ID online.
- In order to receive your parking sticker, you will need to bring your car's license plate number to the Business Office in the Administration building on campus.
Check your class schedule
- Log-in to MyMCC, click on the Student menu and find your schedule under Academic Profile.
McLennan Community College
Highlander Central
1400 College Drive
Waco, TX 76708