January 10, 2022

Marketing & Communications Process Improvement Task Force

3 p.m.
Admin 311  

  1. Discussed Purpose & Goals of the Task Force
  2. Reviewed the report and discussed areas that related directly to our Task Force. Most of what we found is related to communications.
  3. Discussed Priorities (see below)
  4. Discussed Resources (see below)
  5. Other business


  • Website redesign – More student friendly, ADA compliant and consistent templates
  • Become-A-Student webpage redesign (in process) – Add numbered steps and streamline info
  • Improve communication with students between their acceptance letter/email and advising
  • Work toward getting more inquiries in the top of the funnel and work on retention
  • Rework the student email that is send out about setting-up their MCC email
  • Rewrite of the Acceptance letter/email
  • Create Short videos with welcome messages or information explaining the process and steps to become a student.
  • Collaborate with other task forces to track, review and revise student communication


  • Personnel:
    • 1-2 more website specialists to work with Phillip on entering content and basic HTML coding
      • Candice & I spend a lot of time on the website instead of writing, publicity, and content
    • 1 more writer
    • A videographer/photographer
    • There are not enough employees in MARCOM to add additional things to our plate and most of us are doing multiple different jobs so it makes it hard to fully focus on one thing well.
  • Increase Advertising budget to a min. of $300,000 total. This will allow us to increase the amount of ads running to reach more prospective students and increase the amount coming into our funnel.
  • We currently don’t have a budget for the website development so we are requesting a minimum of $100,000. This will allow us to sustain programs we are currently using such as Siteimprove, Equidox, Cascade and Seenventure. This will also allow for any maintenance or additions needed.