November 10, 2020
Admissions & Marketing Subcommittee Minutes
Committee Members Present:
- Karen Clark
- Lisa Elliott
- Jen Norman
- Frank Graves
- Aranza Torres
- Dustie Hamilton
- Amanda Straten
- Shawn Trochim
- Annette Scott
- Stephanie Maultsby
- Becky Parker
Committee Members Absent:
- Londa Carriveau
Agenda Topics:
- Introductions
- Committee Charge:
- Strategic and intentional plan to be developed
- Looking at things in a slightly different way than usual
- Comprehensive plan
- What is Strategic Enrollment Management?
- A unified plan of work that is strategic and intentional
- Not just recruiting, but also about retaining students.
- Some questions to ask ourselves:
- Where are there gaps in our community and at MCC?
- Are we using all of our resources most effectively?
- What are the other sub-committees:
- Finance
- Retention
- Research & Growth Opportunities
- Steering committee
- What is within our control? So many factors of selection, persistence, and retention.
- What about the students who didn’t enroll or persist? Why?
- What are the things we would like to know?
- Getting a good idea of the big picture and the full picture of what we are currently doing and what is the end result.
- What is the ROI on our efforts?
- Who are our students? Develop profiles.
- What is the potential capacity of our non-traditional potential students?
- What are the other markets we can tap into?
- What data do we have on a larger pool of potential students?
- Should we segment the audiences to recruit better?
- What about using the emerging markets committee’s information?
- Adults with some college and HS diplomas – where are we with those potential students?
- What about migrants who feel like they want more? Want a higher education? But we need to make sure we are prepared to serve them. How do we do that?
- What does reduced enrollment mean to MCC? Financially? Resources? Impact on what we can do and what we can’t do?
- Implementation ideas:
- Partner with outside entities that can encourage potential students to get started.
- What can we do to grow those kinds of partnerships?
- Who are the potential students who have filled out FAFSA applications but did not fill out the application for MCC?
- Clearinghouse information
- Search for information that we do not have in-house.
- Like for students who applied, but never enrolled. What happened to them?
- We would like to know what data and information is out there and how we can use it.
- Search for information that we do not have in-house.
- Do we have a timeline or goal in the near future for this committee?
- We need to do some things that are outside the box. Not just what we have normally done without letting go of what we currently do well.
- Are we still considering changing our name?
- What do we gain or lose with “community” in our name?
- Ask the campus community to participate in “telling the MCC story”.
- Create plan for how to do this.
- Partner with outside entities that can encourage potential students to get started.
Action Items and Timelines:
- The committee used this initial meeting to discuss and clarify what we think, individually, Strategic Enrollment means, why we are on this committee, and questions or initial thoughts we have.
- Lisa & Karen (co-chairs) will meet with the Steering Committee soon to gain more insight into what is expected, any action items, or timelines.