Peer Assisted Student Success

What is PASS?
Peer Assisted Student Success (PASS) is McLennan Community College's current Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP). It is a five-year, research-based plan that aims to improve academic outcomes for first-time-in-college (FTIC) students through the development and implementation of peer-led academic and social support systems.
Primary Goals of PASS
Goal 1: To provide FTIC students with peer-led academic support
- Standardize training and evaluation of tutors, mentors, and supplemental instruction leaders
- Integrate and promote peer-led academic support programs campus-wide
Goal 2: Bolster peer social support for FTIC students
- Foster relationships among students and mentors in Learning Framework sections
- Integrate and promote peer social support programs
For more information, please contact:
Dr. Amber Bracken
Director of QEP