Campus Update November 17


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Good afternoon,

I know we all want to do everything we can to avoid contracting the COVID-19 virus.  If you or a loved one has been directly impacted by COVID-19, you know the virus is real.  Many of us have friends or relatives who have not survived this deadly pandemic.  With our core value of People Matter in mind, we developed guidelines to protect our employees, our students, and our community from the threats of COVID-19. 

To keep each other safe, I need your help to continue to consistently follow these safety protocols—wearing face coverings  and wearing them correctly, keeping social distance, cleaning work areas, and self-monitoring and self-reporting. 

Let’s show mutual compassion for each other by being role models of safety.   Let’s be diligent in fighting this disease together.   It is important to stay on guard and to follow these protocols.

We can do this McLennan Together!  

Johnette E. McKown
McLennan Community College