CREW || Campus Resources Education Web

We want to help you get connected to resources and services both on and off campus that can help you navigate through life’s curve balls. We've curated on- and off-campus resources that can assist you with a variety of concerns. Simply click on the icon to be taken to the resource page.

For more information, contact the CREW at 254-299-8561 or

Useful links:

Schedule an appointment to shop at Paulanne's Pantry

Students: Let us know how we can help you!

Schedule an appointment with a resource specialist

CREW is located in the Student Services building, 2nd floor, room 249. Services are available Mon–Fri 8am–5pm. For after-hours resources, please click the link on the sidebar.


Academic Resources


Financial Resources


Food Resources


Healthcare Resources


Housing Resources


Transportation Resources

Who we are

The MCC Campus Resources Education Web (CREW) strives to ensure every student who wants an education can receive one without being hindered by basic needs insecurities.

What we do

We help you focus on your studies by providing resources for your non-academic needs. This could mean...honestly...a lot of different things, such as:
  • providing students with information on where to find food on campus, as well as in local neighborhoods
  • helping students understand and ride the bus system in Waco
  • sharing health insurance options or places students can go to receive health care
  • helping students access technology to complete classes

If you are a student with MCC and need help with things that are happening outside of the classroom, contact CREW.

We connect students to resources on campus and navigate access to resources in the community.  If students need to know where to go for food, maps, health clinics, technology, etc., we can provide contact information and eligibility requirements. If students need guidance making the calls and connections, we're here to assist.

We provide regular access to food sources on campus through several means.

  • Shepherd's Heart Mobile Food Truck  comes to Parking Lot R from 3-4pm on the second Thursday of every month. Students, faculty, staff, and community members can drive through the line and retrieve groceries. 
  • Paulanne's Pantry  can be accessed twice a month for groceries and is located in the Student Services building, 2nd floor.
  • Grab-n-Go Stations are now at the Vet Clinic, ESEC, CSC, LTC, MAC, SS, and Highlander Central.
  • CREW can assist with the completion of SNAP applications. Students who receive $0 in Expected Family Contribution qualify for SNAP, as well as students who qualify for the work study program.

We bring community partners to campus so it's easy and convenient for students to learn how to connect with and access services. 

  • The Third Thursday Thoroughfare occurs on the third Thursday every month in the Student Life Center from 11:30am–1pm. Community partners like Salvation Army, Texas Workforce Commission, and many others come to campus to talk to students about the services they offer and how to access the services.
  • There are resource fairs every semester where community partners come in droves to discuss ways they can assist students with a variety of needs, from outside scholarships to accessing health information to affordable activities/events in the community.

We advocate for student needs to MCC leaders and community partners.  Guess what! Our students' voices are important to us and they are heard. When surveys are completed, we read and respond to what students have to say. We take that information to make the college experience valuable and successful. Let us know what you think!

BEST PART: access these resources at no additional cost!