Online Tutoring

Students can receive online support in several ways:

    • Upswing:
      Live online academic support. Found on a tab in Brightspace, provides McLennan students with access to online tutoring (in many cases 24/7 help).
    • Plato :
      Computerized tutorials and test preparation. Contact Academic Support & Tutoring for access.
    • Phone: (254) 299-8500
      Live one-on-one help is available over the phone. While not directly an internet support, phone conversations can be helpful for many students who cannot come to campus or need access to our tutors.
    • Ask the AST :
      To ask a question, please email and include:
      Your name
      Student ID number
      Course Name (Is your question for a class?)
      Who is your instructor?
      What is your question?

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