Academic Integrity

A Student's Responsibilities

All students who enroll at McLennan Community College are admitted with the expectation that they will demonstrate integrity in every aspect of their work both for and with other members of this academic community. Please read this information carefully. Once you matriculate, you have accepted responsibility for your actions.

How does the college define Academic Integrity?

"The International Center for Academic Integrity defines academic integrity as a commitment, even in the face of adversity, to six fundamental values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility, and courage. From these values flow principles of behavior that enable academic communities to translate ideals into action..." (International Center for Academic Integrity)

Individual faculty members determine their class policies and behavioral expectations for students. Students who commit violations of academic integrity should expect serious consequences. Offenses will be tracked so that appropriate sanctions can be applied.

How serious are the consequences for Academic Dishonesty?

The professor's grading system is the first measure of consequence for a student who commits a breach of academic integrity. The grading system can be found in the course instructor plan for each class in which the student enrolls. Faculty members and/or their department chairs may require a meeting with students caught cheating, including plagiarizing, to discuss incidences of cheating and the penalty to be assigned in the course. Academic Integrity policy and procedures apply equally to all courses - whether on campus or online.

How are Academic Integrity violations defined?

All below definitions can be found in the General Conduct Policy (E-VIII) under Section VI - Proscribed Conduct, B. Misconduct, 1. Academic Dishonesty. 

a. “Cheating” includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Copying from another student’s work during an examination, test, or while completing an assignment;
  2. Using unauthorized assistance, materials, or devices during a test or other assignment;
  3. Failing to comply with instructions given by the person administering the test;
  4. Possessing materials during a test that are not authorized by the person administering the test, such as class notes, textbooks, or other unauthorized aids;
  5. Possessing, using, buying, stealing, transporting, selling, or soliciting in whole or in part items including, but not limited to: the contents of an un-administered test, test key, homework solution, or computer program/software. Possession, at any time, of current or previous test materials without the instructor’s permission;
  6. Collaborating with, seeking aid, or receiving assistance from another student or individual during a test or in conjunction with other assignments without the instructor’s permission;
  7. Discussing the contents of an examination with another student who has taken or will take an examination without the instructor’s permission;
  8. Substituting for another person, or permitting another person to substitute for oneself in order to take a course, a test, or complete any course-related assignment, including but not limited to, signing in/registering attendance for another student without the instructor’s permission;
  9. Paying or offering to pay money, other valuables, obtaining by any means, or coercing another person to obtain items including, but not limited to: an un-administered test, test key, homework solution, or computer program/software; or information about an un-administered test, test key, homework solution or computer program/software;
  10. Falsifying research data, laboratory reports, and/or other academic work offered for credit;
  11. Taking, keeping, misplacing, damaging, or altering the property of the College, or of another, if the student knows or reasonably should know that an unfair academic advantage would be gained by such conduct;
  12. Misrepresenting facts, including providing false grades or resumes, for the purpose of obtaining an academic or financial benefit or injuring another person academically or financially; and
  13. Attempting to commit or assisting with the commission of any of the foregoing listed violations.

b. “Plagiarism” includes, but not limited to:

  1. The appropriation of, buying, receiving as a gift, or obtaining by any means, material that is attributable, in whole or in part, to another source, including words, ideas, illustrations, structure, computer code, other expression and media, and presenting that material as one’s own academic work being offered for credit.; and
  2. The advertisement and/or promotion of services or materials intended for the purposes of plagiarism using on or off campus forums.

c. “Collusion” includes, but is not limited to:

  1. The unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing academic assignments offered for credit.
  2. Collaboration with another person to commit a violation of any section of the rules on academic dishonesty.

d. “Falsifying academic records” includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Altering or assisting in the alteration of any official college record and/or submitting false information.
  2. Omitting requested information that is required for, or related to, any academic record of the College. Academic records include, but are not limited to: applications for admission, the awarding of a degree, grade reports, test papers, registration materials, grade change forms, and reporting forms used by the Office of Student Records.
  3. Former students found to have engaged in such conduct are subject to a bar against readmission, revocation of a degree, and withdrawal of a diploma.

e. “Misrepresenting facts” to the College or an agent of the College includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Providing false grades, resumes, or other academic information.
  2. Providing false or misleading information in an effort to receive a postponement or an extension on a test, quiz, or other assignment to obtain an academic or financial benefit for oneself or another
  3. Providing false or misleading information in an effort to injure another student academically or financially.


What happens to a student identified as having committed academic dishonesty?

If the student's offense rises to the level of invoking, within the course grading system, penalties of consequence, it is a reportable offense. Students who are caught cheating, including plagiarizing, will be subject to penalties specified in the course syllabus and, in addition, will be reported to Student Conduct for further tracking. Students who repeatedly commit acts of academic dishonesty will be subject to disciplinary suspension from the college.

Accommodations and Title IX keeps a record of repeat offenders for the determination of future consequences.

For more information about issues of student discipline, including appeals, please refer to the Student Investigation Procedures.