Faculty/Staff Referrals

A student may not necessarily express a mental health need. Tardiness or excessive absences, alcohol or drug abuse, sudden or extreme changes in behavior, marked changes in personal hygiene/weight, disclosure of sexual assault/harassment/relationship violence, and disclosure of suicidal thoughts or irrational thoughts are often indicators of problems that warrant a referral.
In all situations, follow the steps below to connect the student to the appropriate resource.
- Talk to the student privately about specific behaviors that are concerning. Listen to the student and express care and concern for his/her well-being.
- When making a referral, notify the student that you will be referring them, provide information about the service offered, the purpose of the referral, and encourage them to engage with the referral resource.
- Refer the student to the appropriate resource as defined below. Click on the image below to begin your referral or visit www.mclennan.edu/refer
The following guide will assist you in identifying concerns that may warrant connection to the MCC Student Counseling Center:
When ...
- Listen compassionately.
- Encourage the student to contact the MCC Student Counseling Center through email (counseling@mclennan.edu), phone (299-8210) or by visiting the center at the Math & Wellness building, Room 225B.
- Follow up with the student at the next available class meeting.
- Contact the Student Counseling Center to let us know you will be escorting the student to the center.
- OR if the student refuses to be escorted, you have the option of requesting that a counselor come to your office by calling the center at ext. 8210.
- If the student mentions thoughts or behaviors of self-injury, suicide, or harm to others also refer the student to C.A.R.E.
- Contact Campus Police at extension 8911 or off-campus police at 911.
- Stress or anxiety
- Sadness or depression
- Feeling overwhelmed by school, work, and/or family responsibilities
- Having difficulty adjusting to recent change
- Struggling to make decisions or being unsure of the future
- Loneliness or isolation from others
- Relationship issues
- loss and/or grief
- Sleep problems
- Alcohol/drug use
- Eating disorders
- Crisis
- Trauma - recent or past
- Thoughts of harm to self or others
- Concerns about their ability to keep themselves safe from harm
- Communicating a current plan to attempt suicide
- Recently taking steps to commit suicide
- Exhibiting a strong desire to physically hurt or harm someone else
- Experiencing sexual assault/harassment/relationship violence
- Hearing voices or seeing things other people do not
- Experiencing emotional distress which prevent them the ability to meet daily responsibilities
MCC Student Counseling Center office
Math & Wellness building, Room 225B
Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
(254) 299-8210