Engineering Department

What types of engineering does McLennan offer?
We offer courses in engineering, science and mathematics that are equivalent to those you'd see in the first two years of a university engineering program. To help guide your course selections, we offer Associate of Science (A.S.) degrees in Mechanical, Civil, Electrical, Industrial, Chemical and Biomedical Engineering.
You don't need to pick a specialty right away. Generally you can take a semester or two to choose a particular field. We also offer a Certificate of Engineering Essentials, which requires 34 hours of course work and can be used as a stepping stone to A.S. and B.S. degrees.
Already an MCC student and ready to register? Go directly to Advising & Registration to get started selecting classes!

Will my classes transfer?
Partnerships with Texas Tech University, Tarleton State University and the University of Texas at Arlington ensure your classes will transfer and apply toward your four-year degree. Beyond our formal agreements, our students are also successfully transferring to the University of Texas at Austin, Texas A&M University, and other schools across the state. Visit our Transfer page for more information.
Why not just get my basics and start on engineering once I transfer?
This is a common mistake that students make. Taking all your core courses - like English, government and history - is important, but engineering is a four-year degree starting with the first semester that you take Calculus 1 and move into the calculus-based physics sequence.
This is because engineering courses you need your senior year have prerequisites that trace back all the way to that first calculus class. A student who has not yet completed classes like Differential Equations, Statics, Dynamics or Circuits prior to transferring will still have a four-year timeline to graduation.
What are the engineering classes at McLennan like?
Our classes are small - no classroom in our building seats more than 32 people. Class sizes average around 10-24. This means you can get individualized attention and get your questions answered. Your professor will know you by name, and you will know the names of your classmates. You won't get lost in the crowd at McLennan Engineering.
Is there a separate application for engineering?
There is no additional application required for engineering. Although all classes require a certain level of mathematics and other background course work, you can declare an A.S. in Engineering immediately and begin working toward your goals.

What if my math skills are a little behind?
McLennan offers a full range of options to get your math skills where they need to be. All engineering classes require a minimum of college algebra or equivalent preparation. We have had students start at the very beginning of the developmental math sequence and make it all the way through Calculus 3 and Differential Equations. It just takes a little bit longer, but we can get you there.
How do I get started?
The first step is to apply to McLennan. For specific advising, go directly to Advising & Registration. If you have general questions, email or call 254-299-8130. Welcome to Engineering at McLennan!